This short video gives an introduction to the life of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, over a period of 1978 to 2018. Starting from his early childhood experiences of manifesting shaktis (powers), to experiencing enlightenment at the age of 12, to realizing his incarnation-hood at the age of 21, and starting his mission and spreading Hinduism in 47 countries thus irking vested interests and anti-Hindu forces, becomming a target of their attacks, getting persecuted by them and finally coming out victorious by sheer will persistence and integrity to the ultimate truths of Sanatana Dharma. This is the introduction to Nithyananda Truth – the story of persecution of the incarnation of Bhagwan MahaSadaShiva, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pontiff of Thondaimandala Aadheenam – A Guide and Father-Figure” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Apr 2001″]
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[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pretentious Anti-Hindu mole joins the mission of His Divine Holiness” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Aug 2003″]Pretending to be an ardent follower of Hinduism, anti-Hindu cult member joins His Divine Holiness' mission.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Meet Pratapji ,Donor of land where Bengaluru Aadheenam stands today” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Dec 2004″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Aarti Rao claims to be in a monogomous relationship.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Jul 2005″]On this day, Aarti Rao stated that she is in a monogomous relationship, proof that her later claim to have been raped by Nithyananda at this same time cannot be true.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Alleged Vicitim in Two Places at Once?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Dec 2005″]Aarti Rao was in US for a medical test, exactly at the time she alleges to have been raped by His Divine Holiness, while He Himself was in Salem, Tamil Nadu. This convoluted claim proves the case is false.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nithyananda Gurukul: An Answer to Macaulay and Max Mueller by an Incarnation” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 May 2006″]The advent of a new era has began, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda inaugurates Nithyananda Gurukul in 2006 with a vision to given superconscious breakthrough to humanity. This is a huge sign of relief in an atmosphere with is hellbent on cherishing Anti Hindu Sentiments.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Cult member tortures wife to press fake rape charges on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”Summer of 2008″]Devout follower of His Holiness, Ma Praba, tortured by anti-Hindu cult group and her ex-husband to press fake rape charges of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Conspiracy Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda Begins: Two Witnesses Speak Out” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”November 2008.”]Douglas & Vinay solicit Sharmila to join them in their sinister conspiracy to frame Swami Nithyananda in a sex scandal. Vinay weaves his web of abuse to trap Sahiti.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Cult member rapes a 12 year old child, daughter of a priest at the temple of His Divine Holiness” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Nov 2008″]Taking advantage of innocense of the child, manipulates and convinces her to keep silent about what was done to her.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The False Rape Victim Receiving Healing Blessings Before Accusing His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”December 2008.”]The false rape Victim would claim to be raped a dozen times, and yet in recorded footage she can be seen receiving healing!
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas MacKallor files for divorce when Sharmila refused to participate in his conspiracy.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”December 2008.”]Threatened her with morphed videos of her private life
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[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Cult member tries to kidnap innocent child of the temple priest” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”Summer of 2009″]Sahiti was completely oblivious to Vinay's plans of kidnapping her and his using her to press false rape charges on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sanyasini of a Scheduled Caste Community subjected to Caste Abusal, Sexual Harassment and Rape Attack” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Jun 2009″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Vinay is Punished in Both US and India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”Winter / Spring 2009″]Vinay is punished heavily by both US & Inida courts for the his offences.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu cult send emails to recruit woman to press false rape charges on His Divine Holiness” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Jul 2009″]Vinay sends email to Ms. Aarti Rao (future co-conspirator) “asking” if she ever experienced any sexual abuse related to His Divine Holiness. She flatly denies it, even in writing.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”FBI refuses Douglas' attempted claim.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Aug 2009″]Douglas fails at FBI Field Office located in Campbell, CA, to file false complaint on Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nithyananda Gurukul: An Advent of a New Era!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Sep 2009″]The ancient Vedic civilization of India offered a culture and lifestyle that facilitated whole-brain learning. At Nithyananda Gurukul this wisdom has been brought back to life and is being used to create the education system for the 21st century. Cutting-edge technology goes hand-in-hand with ancient cultural art forms to provide the best in-class education available for the students in the presence and guidance of Enlightened Master His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Vinay Bharadwaj is fired and officially banned by the Nithyananda Temple” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Oct 2009″]As soon as Vinay's abhorrent and illegal behavior was first known, he was fired without delay to protect the community.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Why Would The False Victim Bring her Husband for Blessings After She Was Supposedly Raped?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Nov 2009″]In future, on this date, false rape victim claimed to be seperated from family & husband. In reality husband was very much there.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Character Assassination: fake morphed video of His Divine Holiness is created, trying to project inappropriate relationship with a South Indian actress.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Dec 2009″]The conspirators blackmail (in writing) His Divine Holiness’s organization demanding 100 Cr rupees cash (over $10 Million USD) and 2 prime properties.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attempt to Poison” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Dec 2009″]
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[/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_sep] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness refuses to give in to blackmail and extortion.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Feb 2010″]Conspirators (Advocate Sridhar, Lenin) contact administrators inside the sangha and threaten to blackmail with a video showing His Divine Holiness in a controversial position
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”The most planned religious conspiracy – the making of the in-famous morphed video on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda,” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Feb 2010″]The most systematically planned conspiracy in making of the morphed video against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, with the malicious intent to destroy him, his organization, his reputation and his mission itself.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”The first negotiator in blackmail and extortion, Advocate Sreedhar, threatens Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Feb 2010″]His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivered a satsang (spiritual talk) on Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Coimbatore, India on 12 February 2010 to a packed gathering. The program concluded with energy darshan (transmitting the divine energy to each one present) to all who came, showering His blessings and attending to healing requests from them for relief from physical, mental or spiritual problems. It is the time, people pour their hearts out to their Guru, emoting from their deepest feelings.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sreedhar Threatens More Intensely” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 Feb 2010″]Sridhar spoke to Sri Nithya Pranananda over the phone. In it he said that the matter he was talking about was very serious and that if the ashram did not believe him, it would be very dangerous. He also said that he himself would bring certain samples of the photographs he was talking about to the ashram and show.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sreedhar Shows Morphed Photographs, demands 5 lacs” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Feb 2010″]Advocate Sridhar, after landing in the ashram, showed a few morphed images of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and a South Indian actress Ranjitha to Sri Nithyananda Pranananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Administrators reach Chennai to meet Sridhar” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Feb 2010″]Trusting the words of Sridhar, who turned out to be an extortionist and blackmailer, Sri Nithya Bhaktananda, Sri Nithya Sadananda and Sri Nithya Pranananda from the Bengaluru Aadheenam, visited Sridhar in Chennai as per his request for the ‘negotiations’.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sreedhar Conveys that the Demands are 100 Crores INR” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Feb 2010″]In Chennai, on 23 February 2010, Sri Nithya Bhaktananda, Sri Nithya Sadananda, and Sri Nithya Pranananda met advocate Sridhar. Sridhar declared that Lenin and his aides were demanding 100 crores INR to stop them from airing the morphed images
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Arathi Rao Threatens to File for False Rape” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Feb 2010″]On 24 February 2010, Sridhar met the Administrators again and threatened them that it was getting delayed and therefore demanded for 60 lakhs to be paid immediately as a token advance. Sridhar also spelt the breakup of the token amount as 10 lacs to Sridhar and 50 lacs to Lenin, Aarthi Rao and their other aides. The Administrators insisted that Lenin and his group should be present.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sreedhar, Lenin and Kumar Attack Senior Swamis in Starcity Hotel, Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Feb 2010″]25 February 2010, After the physical assault and life-threat the previous day by Lenin and his aides, Pranananda arranged for the extortion money to reach him in Chennai.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sridhar Extorted 25 Lakhs INR” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Feb 2010″]Sridhar Extorted 25 Lakhs INR
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sridhar receives partial extortion money” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Feb 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The morphed video is released by the conspirers” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Mar 2010″]At around 7 pm on 2 March 2010, the very morphed images that the blackmailers and extortionists group said they would hand over, were released on Sun Television channel with breaking news. Within a few minutes, the footage went viral on visual and print media and on the internet. The ruthless conspiracy continued to the next level of attack.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Black Propaganda by Mainstream Media for Cultural Genocide of Hindus” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Mar 2010″]Morphed footage for justification of attack released. 14,000 hours of defamation, decade long character assasination.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Atmaprabhananda meets Sun TV blackmailer Ayyappan” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]The ashram administrator Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda met advocate Sridhar the blackmailer who put him on to Ayyappan, the right hand of the then COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Sun TV, Mr. Hansraj Saxena.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-hindu led ‘Paid Media’ attempts to mislead Humanity!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Deccan Chronicle starts media trial against His Divine Holiness – broadcasts fake news to seed public hate; exploits the grey areas of journalism
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Cultural Genocide: entire community around Nithyananda brutally attacked!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Hired staff sent by Sun TV break in and destroy ashram. The attackers locked the room from outside, threw petrol bombs and set the hut ablaze, with the clear plan to kill His Divine Holiness. With the Divine Grace, His Divine Holiness safely exited through the bathroom door.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Horrifying Arsen in Kumbakonam attack!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]A gang of thugs stormed Kumbokonam Adheenam, destroying property, spraying kerosene, and burning Swamiji's effigy in front of horrified devotees.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sacred Deity Destroyed in Kanyakumari” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Sledgehammer wielding drunken rowdies were incited to destroy a sacred statue of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda amidst frightened onlookers in Kanyakumari. This is one of a string of attacks against Swamiji across India.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Violence and Abuse against Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Rasipuram, South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Paid Local goons incited by the fake News attacked Rasipuram Ashram (South India), vandalizing property and destroying the hoardings.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Forces Burn Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Effigy in Salem (South India)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]In attempt to frighten Nithyananda devotees into closing the Salem Ashram, local drunkards were hired to burn His effigy in the street, blocking traffil and horrifying onlookers.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Looking for His Holiness in His Birthplace, Hired Henchmen Storm Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Sun TV sent their workers in the form of a mob of violent rioters, who stormed the gate of the ashram in Tiruvannamalai wielding weapons, threatening devotees and destroying property.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”More Employees of Sun TV attack Namakkal ashram, South India burning Effigies, attacking Children” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]A malicious gang employed by Sun TV incited a riot in Namakkal, South India dragging children into the attack that aimed to destroy religious sentiments by burning effigy of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and vandalising ashram property.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Violent Life-Attack on Paramahamsa Nithyananda at Nithyananda Peetham Puducherry Ashram” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Disciples were shocked to discover the aftermath of an attack against their ashram in Puducherry. Vandals had broken into the property then destroyed Swamiji's posters and hoardings.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Fire Bomb Attack at Thovalai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Yet another vicious attack in the string of violent cases of vandalism in Nithyananda's centers across South India
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Religious persecution: curb stomp at Kanchipuram attack” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]A gross display of violence against Nithyananda disciples took place in Kanchipram, as thugs wearing leather shows curb stomped photos of Nithyananda in front of crying devotees. Discples maintained Nithyananda's instruction to maintain ahimsa, not to resort to violence even when the enemy is violent.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Police investigate ATTACK at Nithyananda Peetham Rajapalayam aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]Drunken thugs brst into Rajapalayam ashram in a fit of violence; police were called to protect the devotees.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Life Threat for Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Nagercoil” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Life Threatened in Sirkazhi” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Fires in the Hosur Street: Another Arsen Attack Aimed at Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Madurai Karipatti Aadheenam Burned- Effigy of Paramahamsa Nithyananda disfigured in Another Gruesome Attack on Him” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu Makkal Katchi did last Rites and Rituals for Nithyananda in Rameshwaram” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2010″]HMK : Hindu Makkal Katchi continuously and maliciously attacked His Divine Holiness through character assasination in media over the next seven years
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sridhar plays advocate and forces Atmaprabhananda to address the press” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Mar 2010″]After having spent a whole night in detention by Sun TV blackmailer Ayyappan, on 4th Mar 2010, Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda, Aadheenam administrator begged him to release him so that he could muster some money to hand over. Ayyappan, after long deliberation, seized his mobile phone and released him with the strong threat that he will be tracked completely for every movement of his, and he will not be able to leave Chennai without handing over the demanded money.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”100 Places Attacked in a Day: In the Attempt of Find and Assassinate Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Darkest Day of Cultural Genocide” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Mar 2010″]In the Attempt of Finding and Assassinating Paramahamsa Nithyananda – Inncoent Hindu monks were attacked, buildings burned worth crores, seekers shamed. Disciples in tears on the darkest day of Hindu Cultural Genocide.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lennin Karrupan, a 3rd party, registers a false case of rape against His Divine Holiness, WITHOUT EVEN NAMING A VICTIM!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Mar 2010″]The only rape case in history of mankind where no victim was mentioned.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Hindu, Master at Distorting Facts – drops low as Presstitute Media” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Mar 2010″]The Hindu newspaper drops low as ‘presstitude’, publishes article distorting the actual happening to fit their propaganda of assassinating the character of Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Extortion and Life-attack on Atmaprabhananda by Sun TV Ayyappan” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Mar 2010″]On 5th March 2010, when Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda was travelling in Chennai near the Pondy Bazar police station in T. Nagar, Sun TV blackmailer Ayyappan pulled up his vehicle in front of his car and stopped him. What followed was a life-attack coupled with blackmail and extortion by Ayyappan on Atmaprabhananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”False Case filed in Puducherry” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Mar 2010″]On this day, a false case was filed claiming His Divine Holiness had 'hurt religious sentiments' by being abused by [paid media in the morphed video. 7 years later this case was squashed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False News on Murder Attempt: Deccan Chronicle Grossly Violates Freedom of Press” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”06 Mar 2010″]Deccan Chronicle grossly violates press ethics, publishes a false headline “Swami tried to kill me: Ashram inmate,” to deliberately create stigma against Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Attacks Sanatana Hindu Dharma and the greatness of Guru-disciple tradition!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”06 Mar 2010″]New Indian Express claims the authencity of defamatory fake video. Yellow Journalism practices of Indian mainstream media with the motive to character assassinate His Divine and Hindu sacred ideologies.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”DNA deviously accuses Paramahamsa Nithyananda based on Conspirator Lenin’s fabricated lies” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Mar 2010″]DNA maliciously defames not just Paramahamsa Nithyananda but maligns the sacred Hindu tradition, drawing unreasonable comparisons with Lord Sri Krishna, one of the most revered and loved Incarnations in Hinduism – deviously imposing a negative portrayal and hate for Hinduism in public.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Tradition of Gurus attacked in light of fake case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Mar 2010″]Deccan Chronicle publicises statement from a well-known writer to spread anti-Hindu and anti-Guru perceptions, simultaneously attacking His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”An Endless Saga of Abuse by Hindu Makkal Katchi (HMK)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Mar 2010″]Great sensationalism was caused by the publishing and broadcasting of morphed video scenes and having beleived it to be true HMK performed last rites of Swami-ji in protest as they felt it was a disgrace what happened.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Trial by Media: Paid media declares His Divine Holiness guilty without chance to prove His innocence; ratings soar as a result of their abusive sensationalis.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Mar 2010″]Questions and false allegations of illegal ownership of land, rape, mysterious death of a foreigner, storage of sandalwood, forceful detention, rape, and ill-gotten wealth.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Rapist Plays Victim” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Mar 2010″]Vinay Bhardwaj pressures the family of the child he abused to drop the case by threatening to accuse His Divine Holiness of raping him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Mythmaking over False Allegations over illegal storage of Sandalwood” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Mar 2010″]Bizzare false claim of sandalwood storage hits the Media headlines. Media spread absurd and unsubstantiated news to taint and the charater assassinate His Divine Holiness
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Kumudam magazine reporter cooks up a false interview and attributes it to the actress falsely depicted in the morphed video.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Mar 2010″]17 pages of the magazine were dedicated to ellaborate defematory lies and false stories.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas Mac Kallor brings now false rape victim Aarti Rao to California Attorney General to Claim Rape” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Mar 2010″]Despite previously stating she had no knowledge or contact with Nithyananda sexually, Aarti Rao now cohorts with the attackers. California Attorney General ignored their frivolous complaint.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deccan Chronicle stoops too low. Writes its own stories about Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Mar 2010″]Deccan Chronicle stoops too low in spreading lies about Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His organisation. A shocking article where every line is a lie.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack: Illegally Frozen Assets” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Mar 2010″]The police, against the law, asks the banks to freeze accounts of public charitable Trusts which kept donations.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Blatant lies to impress public hate, agnosticism against Paramahamsa Nithyananda in false case” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Mar 2010″]Deccan Chronicle slumps to yellow journalism, proves its anti-hindu propaganda; it makes blatant false claims about court’s stance on Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His false rape case to impress public hate and agnosticism against the most revered Hindu spiritual leaders. It skillfully leaves out main facts of the case. Learn the facts here.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media hellbent on blowing Black propaganda against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Apr 2010″]As a part of organised blasphemy against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His spiritual organisation, Deccan Herald Reporter groundlessly claims two more CDs of explicit content. Journalism ethics and standards were not adhered to in the wake of vested interests of executing religious persecution on Hindu Gurus
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”From One Morphed Video to 30 Tapes – The Blatant Lies in DNA Newspaper” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Apr 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Black Comedy – Laughs at the Expense of Sanatana Hindu Dharma” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Apr 2010″]Similar to media during the Jew Holocaust which created material mocking the Jews, New Indian Express creates a satirical piece at the expense of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, hurting the religious sentiments of millions across the globe.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Times of India Publishes a Doctored Article, Making the Conspirator Legitimate” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Apr 2010″]3 April 2010, The Times of India made false statements from Lenin (one of the conspirators against Paramahamsa Nithyananda) sound legitimate and presented it as facts.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deccan Herald Again Cashes in On Fabricated Content” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Apr 2010″]Yellow journal, Deccan Herald, yet again, misleads the public with vast assumptions and literally making up content out of thin air without bothering to name a source. This shows its blatant interest in cashing in on tabloid headlines.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”DNA Maliciously Manipulates Public Opinion on Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Apr 2010″]16 April 2010 – An obvious effort to malign the Sanyas tradition in Hinduism, as well as the lineage of Gurus in our culture, is shown through this article by DNA Newspaper. This widely-read paper lacks even a shred of journalistic integrity, as they choose an opportune time when sensational news about Hindu gurus is at its peak, to post an opinion piece on celibacy.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Fraudulent search for a Victim commences.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Apr 2010″]In an unprecedented move, Police offers advertise on media and social media, searching for any woman willing to claim Nithyananda raped her. They offer to pay all expenses for anyone ready to claim to be victim.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Bangalore Mirror Thrives on Fabricated News?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Apr 2010″]Bangalore Mirror does not care for the religious sentiments of millions of followers of Paramahamsa Nithyananda by highlighting the tortures meted out on him and fabricating more false news around it.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Police realize the missing link in the false rape accusation: there is no victim.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Apr 2010″]There is no victim mentioned.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deccan Chronicle titles its article crossing all limits of journalism today” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 Apr 2010″]Deccan Chronicle titles its article: Swami ran Sex racket in ashram. Sheer malice is conveyed through this article title. A case of extreme misuse of journalism.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness Endures Illegal Arrest and Third Degree Torture at the Hands of Police” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Apr 2010″]An innocent man went through real torture at the hands of Karnataka Police, where they try to extract a false confession from him. A gross violation of his Human rights takes place when he is jailed – a saga unlike any other in India’s legal history.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Complaint filed against Nakkeeran Tamil weekly magazine” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Apr 2010″]Nakkeeran an Indian taboloid published series of perverted and defamatory articles attacking diginity of female devotee.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Obscene Character Assassination of Paramahamsa Nithyananda by DNA” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Apr 2010″]This DNA newspaper article employs pure yellow journalism for clear character assassination of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lies, lies and More Lies by Bangalore Mirror” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Apr 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Religious discrimination against Guru-disciple relationship by spreading lies about Paramahamsa and His devotees” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Apr 2010″]Times of India publishes contrived stories about Paramahamsa Nithyananda regarding a fake non-disclosure agreement, accusing Him of being in an illicit relationship with His devotees and intimidating them with this agreement. By blatantly abusing the sanctity of the Guru-disciple relationship, the foundation of Hinduism, they promote religious discrimination against Hindus.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media trial tries to incite hatred against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Hinduism itself” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Apr 2010″]Hateful media campaigns incite stray attacks against Paramahamsa Nithyananda which are reported attempting to create a sense of public hatred towards Him
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda falsely portrayed as guilty” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Apr 2010″]Deccan Chronicle article deliberately leads people to think that His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is guilty of a crime that doesn’t even have a victim. A clear cognitive bias towards Hindu Gurus.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sinister ways to prolong illegal arrest of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Apr 2010″]CID officials look high and dry to find any means to extend the unjustified imprisonment of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda- A victim of ad Hominem Fallacy by Bangalore Mirror?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Apr 2010″]Bangalore Mirror’s sleazy articles contribute to the massive cultural genocide against Hindu saints and the age-old legacy of sanyasis.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sadistic Reporter from Bangalore Mirror VIolates Basic Human Rights” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Apr 2010″]Bangalore Mirror again publishes an article defaming Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Hindu gurus at large.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack Against Basic Human Rights: Nithyananda's passport illegally Impounded without a trial” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Apr 2010″]In a brazen travesty of the law, the passport of Swami Nithyananda was impounded with no intimation or justification or opportunity to present his case
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Ranjitha sends Letter To Minister of Information and Broadcasting mentioning” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Apr 2010″]She mentions about indecent representation and attack on her dignity done by SunTV, Udaya TV, Suvarna, E-TV, Kasthuri, Andhra Jyoti, Star Vijay, CNN-IBN, Aaj Tak, News9, TV9 (Telugu). TV9 (Kannada), TV5 news, ABN, and also about High Court Order.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda challenges false accusers to give him a potency test. Media ridicules.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Apr 2010″]Media published articles titled,"I am not a man: Swami Nithyananda"
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”DNA cooks up conversations between His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the CID while he was in prison” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”06 May 2010″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda has survived the religious persecution against him and Hinduism single-handedly only because of his conviction about himself, and his spiritual strength But yellow journal, DNA, projects Paramahamsa Nithyananda as mentally weak.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Morphed video of Paramahamsa Nithyananda repeatedly brought up in media to discredit all Gurus” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 May 2010″]Deccan Chronicle vulgarly depicts Paramahamsa Nithyananda in the wake of the morphed video release to defame His character and instigate distrust of Hindu Gurus.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Engulfing His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda into Faulty Generalizations and Creating More Stigma Against Sanyasis (Hindu Monks) ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 May 2010″]Indian express not only published articles exclusively attacking Paramahamsa Nithyananda , but also continues to defame His Divine Holiness through other related articles. By falsely clubbing Paramahamsa Nithyananda with other saffron robed monks, Indian Express generalizes all of Hinduism, making faulty generalizations that all monks are cheats and frauds. This creates more stigma against Hindu saints and sages as if they are all scandalous and dramatic, though their initial assumption is completely false.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Brutal attack, Criminal Tresspass on Hyderabad Aadheenam of Nithyananda Mission” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 May 2010″]brutal attack on the Hyderabad aadheenam of Nithyananda Mission. This is a temple based monastery where the temple was donated by the owner to do charitable and religious activities at the temple
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”CID Interrogation video leaked to paid media.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 May 2010″]CID recorded the interrogation of Swami Nithyananda where they tried to force him into false confession. When asked in courts to produce the video they claimed the video was stolen from Police! However the same video (without audio) was being broadcast in all national televisions.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Nithya Vimalananda: Blood- Curdling experience, Anti Hindu Elements crossed every limit” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 May 2010″]Ma Nithya Vimalananda (Spiritual Name), Parent of 6 years old Nithyananda Gurukul student recalls the chains of horrific events aimed at religious persecution of her Guru, His Divine Holiness. She and 8 years old son ‘Hemant’ have been staying in adheenam for three years now. . It was like using an elephant to kill an ant, Illuminati of Anti Hindu Forces left no stoned unturned to brutally slaughter Hinduism as conspired Religious persecution of Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nakkeeran Tamil weekly magazine publishes more indecent & defamatory stories” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 May 2010″]Vol. 23 No.8 Falsely claimed Ma Ranjitha made the statement that she was cheated by Paramahamsa Nithyananda and made other scandalous statements[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The one who would in future allege to be rape victim/witness had exposure to HIV positive “new partner” after last incident of alleged rape.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Jun 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Guilty till proven Innocent’, Media Trial against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Jun 2010″]Much before the Judiciary could convene, the conspiring media unlawfully started the worst trial against His Divine Holiness. ‘Yellow Journalism’ turned criminal in the history of humanity; massive persecution campaigns were plotted to defame and eliminate the great hope of Sanatana Hindu Dharma – guilty till proven innocent.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Dehumanizing Character Assassination: His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda DENIED Freedom of speech and to teach” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Jun 2010″]While the court observed there was no evince and granted bail, the condition banned His Divine Holiness to speak, preach or teach in public. The basic freedom of speech and expression was denied to one who dedicated his life to unflinchingly teach spirituality and heal humanity just by His divine words.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Kerosene a Crime? Another false case against Nithyananda ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2010″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda sat for panchtapas to heal the environment from karmic implications of attacking an incarnation. A nearby villager brought a mug of kerosene to light the fire. A false case was filed on Nithyananda for illegal possesion of kerosene.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Presstitute Media: Report False News without Verifying” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Jun 2010″]The Hindu publishes an article without verifying the facts. Definitely not a responsible media!
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Restoration of the Illegally Suspended Accounts” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2010″]The Government acknowledges mistake in court.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Held Hostage and Living in Fear: A Sanyasini Fights for Her Right to Follow the Sacred Path” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Jun 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Religious Percecution of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, cunning stretegy of Illuminati of Anti Hindu Forces Used Mainstream media to to thrash His Divine Mission.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Jun 2010″]Sai Ram, an Engineer, who lived 17 years in USA was introduced to His spiritual Guru, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda by his wife. A devotee who recently moved to Aadheenam (Ashram), barely one and a half months after the onslaught of infamous religious persecution tells a hair raising tale of how Illuminati of Anti Hindu Forces choreographed the religious persecution on Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness resumes public talks to spread world peace and Enlightenment. His first talk is about Freedom.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Jul 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Malicious Cases Filed Against the Tax Free Status of Charitable Trusts” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2010″]In 2010, along with the religious persecution that hit His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His disciples in an onslaught of violent attacks, a number of previously closed cases were re-opened, calling into question the tax free status of the charitable trusts and their rightfully claimed donations. The cases were eventually closed as the commissioner found no fraud in any of the Adheenam’s financial dealings, but not before the ordeal caused much pain and suffering to devotees.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deccan Herald article seems rooted in systematic Hindu Cultural Genocide” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Jul 2010″]Deccan chronicle stoops low by using the name of His Divine Holiness to title an article completely unconnected to Him…
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=””High Court states the false case as a – lack of evidence”” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Jul 2010″]People begin to question why the case is not dropped yet.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”False Case About to be Dropped: Still no evidence!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Jul 2010″]Conspirators decide to fabricate a victim under a pseudonym to sustain entire false case from being dismissed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Spreading Hindu-phobia- Start by Mocking Hindu practices” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Jul 2010″]Bangalore Mirror is actively spreading Hindu-phobia among Hindus by mocking Hindu traditions and debasing them.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Desperate to Destroy the Culture, Douglas now files a false case claiming money laundering.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Aug 2010″]The FBI Duty Agent annoyed with Douglas; bogus complained, told he should not submit anything more to the FBI. Because of his abusive record towards his wife FBI agent didn't even want to give an appointment.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Film parody about false rape case makes mockery of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Sep 2010″]Deccan Chronicle boldly invites the public to make a mockery of Paramahamsa Nithyananda with publicity about a film parody on the false rape case against Him, ignoring the trauma He went through.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Bangalore Mirror Fabricates Lies about Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Sep 2010″]Without properly researching for their articles or taking responsibility for their readers, Bangalore Mirror lies blatantly about His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. There was no basis for even 1 woman which was initially claimed and would be even less for 5.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Alleged rape victim goes on record to declare that she didn’t file police complaint in US for sexual abuse.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Oct 2010″]In her communication to a detective in Ann Arbor Police Department, she claims she did not file a complaint with Ann Arbor police for Sexual Abuse by Nithyananda Swami.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack on sacred Guru-disciple relationship: Hindu Cultural Genocide Propaganda by Media” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Dec 2010″]Indian Express on a mythmaking scheme, as part of the large propaganda to effect the Hindu cultural genocide, spreads utter lies about Paramahamsa Nithyananda, distorting and attacking the Guru-disciple relationship and presenting it from an ethnocentric perspective.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ethnic cleansing of Hindus by manipulating public opinion of Gurus” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Dec 2010″]TOI makes insidious claims against Paramahamsa Nithyananda. By giving grotesque albeit fake details about the allegations against Him, they are trying to make Paramahamsa Nithyananda a public enemy, inciting a hate campaign against Him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The New Indian Express : Out to Instigate the Cultural Genocide of Hindus By Fabricating Lies in The Masses” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Dec 2010″]The New Indian Express publishes the untrue and defamtory statements of the child rapist, Vinay Bharadwaj and co-conspirator , Lenin Karuppan and glorifies them as heroes. publishing their false, defamatory statements.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deccan Chronicle maliciously portrays Paramahamsa Nithyananda followers as attackers” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Dec 2010″]Deccan Chronicle publishes bias article “I am not safe: Swami ex-driver,” sharing Lenin’s lies about fearing life-threat from His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Malicious presentation of followers of Paramahamsa Nithyananda as attackers.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas tries to create a false complaint alleging financial irregularities. No US government agency accepts his complaint, yet Indian media publishes defamatory articles in support of false stories.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Dec 2010″]Neither FBI, SEC, IRS accept Douglas' fake complain, they even stop picking up his phone and warned him not to waste precious time of government officers.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lenin filed a false, frivolous and a baseless complaint against few of the ashramites alleging they attempted to disturb his Press meet” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Dec 2010″]Lenin tried to put a case for trespas adding Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s name to the complain, whenin Lenin himself never even alleged that Paramahamsa Nithyananda was anywhere physically near.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Cooked Up, Derogatory Remarks on Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Dec 2010″]Atrocities by the Bangalore Mirror continues. It makes false, cooked up, derogatory statements on Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Ranjitha filed a private direct complaint against Lenin, Aarthi Rao, and Advocate Sridhar, for creating and spreading the morphed video and destroying her public image, dignity as a woman, career as an actress, and completely shattering her social life.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Dec 2010″]The morphed video they created and spread destroyed her public image, dignity as a woman, career as an actress, and completely shattered her social life.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Rumours obviously generated by paid media.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Dec 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Major Contributions despite Character Assassination” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Dec 2010″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Character Assassination Propaganda- The Times of India uses False Pornographic Terms against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Jan 2011″]The Times of India uses false defamatory ‘pornographic’ terms at Paramahamsa Nithyananda – a clear character assassination as part of the most shocking brutal media trial done on a spiritual leader whose life is purity personified.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Nakkeeran Magazine published more highly defamatory cooked up stories” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jan 2011″]Nakkeeran published defamatory and derrogatory stories about all woman disciples. The magazine claimed to have sourced information from the DGP of Karnataka CID. The magazine went to the extremes of attacking the diginity of woman disciples in worst possible ways.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Cognizance taken by C.J. & JMFC Ramanagar against private Complaint to District Civil Court of Ramanagara PCR 183/2010 by Ranjitha.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Jan 2011″][/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Carefully Chosen Headlines to Quickly Denigrate A Hindu Sanyasi’s Reputation – The Hindu” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Feb 2011″]The Hindu makes sensationalised headlines to grab the attention of its readers – complete with a denigrating picture of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. They play the cunning game of making slanderous, eye-catching headlines, but remaining more or less neutral in the main content – knowing that most readers will skim through the headlines, enough to shift public opinion of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas tried to get ashram volunteers coming from India detained by the US ICE. The US ICE did not accept any of his complaints nor detain any ashram volunteer.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Feb 2011″]Douglas makes bogus complains with US ICE Field Offices in 1) Los Angeles, 2) San Francisco, and 3) Seattle. Volunteers were able to enter the U.S. and continued to do their enriching and causing seva.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”No source, No Evidence and No Witness to Deccan Herald’s Ridiculous Claims” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Feb 2011″]Outdoing all of its attempts to fabricate content against His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Deccan Herald published completely ridiculous article trying to prove that Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been married multiple times.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”International volunteers disgustingly manhandled by police.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Feb 2011″] International Ashramites manhandled by police
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”DNA Horrifyingly Distorts The Truth of What His Divine Holiness Stated During Interrogation” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Feb 2011″]In a year after the morphed video aired on SUNTV, in a horrifying article called "Swamis and Demons" DNA writers completely lose all journalism ethics by publishing fictitious statements, claiming they were made in during Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s interrogation with the police.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Ranjitha filed a writ petition (WP-8619/2011) against 39 entities which included Government, Media Channels, News Papers etc” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Mar 2011″]Ma Ranjitha’s petition was not to deprive her of dignity, reputation and restrain broadcast of the morphed video.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Dark secrets revealed: film Satyananda- Deliberate plan to extort money and defame Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Apr 2011″]Film producer Madan Patel and actor Sri Ravi Chetan make use of the persecution against Paramahamsa Nithyananda by vested interests, to create sensational, deceiving atrocity material to attract public attention, causing ir-repairable damage to His Divine Holiness. Film Producer tries to extort money from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s spiritual community, demanding 4 CRORES to not release false defaming scenes.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Even Grief is A Cue to Attack: Shameless Media Used the Death of Sathya Sai Baba to Ridicule Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Apr 2011″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Ranjitha sends legal notice to Kumudam Reporter” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 May 2011″]42 Issues of Tamil Bi-Weekly Magazine, Kumudam Reporter, from 11-3-2010 to 05-08-2010, contain false, false highly defamatory cooked up stories.[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas and others cooked up new stories and bogus documents and sent it again to IRS (USA)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Jun 2011″]As there was no material evidence the IRS notified him that it dropped its inquiry.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”District court Judge saw prima-facie materials to register case against the accused (Aarthi Rao, Lenin and Advocate Sridhar)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Jun 2011″]The case was filed by Ma Ranjitha on 30 December 2010[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”DNA Foolishly Claims His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda as ‘not a sanyasi’” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Jun 2011″]DNA publishes an article in their journal on 11 June 2010, with the headline "Nithya not sanyasi, says counsel"
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Deliberate attempts to hurt Sacred sentiments of thousands following Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Jun 2011″]DNA makes use of every opportunity to deliberately hurt sacred sentiments where the vulgarity in content is totally unnecessary for the journal to make their point.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Complaint Filed Against Sun TV for the Role in Conspiracy against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Jul 2011″]One of the administrators of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Sri Nithya Sarvananda has filed a complaint to Chennai City Police Commissioner demanding legal action against Sun TV for telecasting the morphed obscene video with the intention of defaming His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ma Ranjitha sent a complain to The Commissioner of Police against Sun TV, Hanraj Saxena (SunTV), Kannan(SunTV), Nakkheeran and Lenin.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Jul 2011″][/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Press Meet by His Divine Holiness in Chennai- July 2011″ icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Jul 2011″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda met press reporters through a highly interactive session on 13 July 2011 at hotel Marina Towers, Chennai. The press meet was aired live and viewed online by followers and international media persons from 34 countries and 171 cities around the world.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Cosmic Justice for the Criminal Media Trial by SunTV: Owner Nailed in 2G Scam Resigns” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Jul 2011″]After being nailed by CBI in 2G spectrum allocation scam, Union textile minister Dayanidhi Maran (owner of SunTV which morphed video on Paramahamsa Nithyananda) was forced to resign as a cabinet minister. 2G scam estimated to be worth Rs. 1.7 lakh crore ($26 Billion USD)
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Press invited to witness groundbreaking brain wave research on Guru Purnima day; media distorts the event and publishes a series of videos attacking Ranjitha.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jul 2011″]A team of qualified doctors and practitioners professionals in medical research and in the area of neuro feedback and QEEG has been conducting scientific studies on the Kundalini Awakening process of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack Against Religious Sentiments: Nithyananda named 293rd Guru Mahasanidhanam of Madurai Adheenam; The political parties such as HMK, Devar Desiya Peravai, Bharatha Sena and Bharathiya Forward Block parties were in opposition to the corronation” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jul 2011″]HMK informed that they would be doing continuous protest against Paramahamsa Nithyananda until the control of Madurai Aadheenam was taken away from him
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Conspirators plan to keep Paramahamsa Nithyananda in jail by all means” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2011″]High court denies conspirators who demand cancellation of His Divine Holiness's bail.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Complaint filed on TV Channels For misrepresentation of Gurupurnima and Scientific Research videos.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2011″]A Bangalore devotee lodged a complaint against TV9 and Suvarna News 24×7 and other media and press which deliberately distorted facts
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory in Attack by Cheap Movie Makers: Court directs censor board to take Paramahamsa Nithyananda's objections before certifying Telugu movie – Ayyare ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2011″]The Telugu film AYYARE has reportedly employed morphed visuals of Nithyananda and dialogues deliberately aimed at portraying him in poor light.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory: 4 Petitions adjudicated in favor of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Jul 2011″]Hon’ble Judge of High Court set aside the restrictive order of the Lower Court and observed that the restrictive order was uncalled for.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas secured an appointment with the FBI Field Office hoping FBI would take his false documents seriously; they did not.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Jul 2011″]The FBI Duty Agent’s last request to him was not to file his bogus complaint again
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Chief conspirator Lenin and brother Kumar denied anticipatory bail by Madras High Court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Jul 2011″] The conspirators desperately try to escape – apply for anticipatory bail, abscond, the Court comes down strictly as evidence is strongly against them.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Non-bailable warrant was issued against Lenin in case filed by Ma Ranjitha” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Aug 2011″]Lenin continuosly evaded summons. Counsel for Ma Ranjitha filed his objections. court issued a non-bailable warrant against Lenin and issued summons false-rape-victim and Advocate Sridhar.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Disfiguring Facts – The Hindu Gives a Lesson in How to Create Imposter Content” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Aug 2011″]The Hindu reports unverified lies as news – False accusations about serious matters such as suicide in the premises are hurled at an innocent sanyasi.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Officer-in-charge handed over case documents to CID at the cost of not presenting the came in court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Aug 2011″]The Officer-in-charge of Bidadi police station, who was required to investigate into the complaint which came to be referred to him by the Court, without the consent of the Court, handed over the papers of the case to the Inspector of Police, CID, Bangalore. The Magistrate who took serious note of the explanation given by the Bidadi police officer and warned him of action under the provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Legal notices slapped on Kumudam Reporter Publications, Sri Arjun Sampath and Advocate Shiva” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Aug 2011″]Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam has served a legal notice to Tamil bi-weekly magazine Kumudam Reporter for the series of utterly false, malicious and defaming articles published on Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his devotees, from 2 March 2010 onwards.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Warrant is issued against Lenin Karuppan for his hand in the false video.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Aug 2011″]In a dramatic proof that justice cannot be denied, a non-bailable warrant was issued by Judicial First Class Magistrate, Ramanagara Dt. (Bangalore) on August 2nd 2011 against Lenin Karuppan in the case filed by actress Smt. Ranjita.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Notice to Nakkeeran to appear in Madras High Court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Aug 2011″]This was for matter of defamation of Ma Ranjitha WP 20200 of 2011[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas assisted the false rape victim in attempt to file a bogus crime report to the FBI Field Office in LA and other agencies” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Sep 2011″]In a different letter to Detective Michael Lencioni, dated Oct 08, 2012 false rapie victim said she had not filed a complaint with Ann Arbor police for sexual abuse. Her police complains didn't add up.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sun TV COO Saxena and others denied bail by court!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Sep 2011″]The Chennai Police registered an FIR on 31 July 2011 against Mr. Saxena and Mr. Iyappan of Sun TV Network, Nakkheeran Gopal and Kamraj, Lenin Karuppan, his brother Kumar, his co-conspirators Aarthi Rao, advocate Sridhar and Prasanna Kumar, under various sections including 341, 342,392, 323, 420 & 506 (ii) IPC including extortion, criminal conspiracy and criminal intimidation followign a complaitn by Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda, a dicsiple of Nithyananda. All of the accused are said to be involved in the sordid conspiracy against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, involving the fabrication and distribution of a morphed videotape allegedly featuring Nithyananda with actress Smt.Ranjita on 2nd March last year.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”One More Legal Win: No bail for blackmailer!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Sep 2011″]CHENNAI: Prasankumar, who feared arrest for allegedly black-mailing controversial Godman Nithyananda, has been refused bail by the Madras High Court on September 7.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”High Court refuses Lenin’s plea to extend the stay in Ma Ranjitha case” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Sep 2011″]CrlP-21274/2010
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”City Civil Court Bangalore STOPS release of Kannada movie 'Satyananda'” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 Sep 2011″]The Hon'ble City Civil Court Bangalore, completely restrained release of the Kannada film 'SATYANANDA' by producer Madan Patel – until the Defamation Suit filed is disposed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Saxena Resigns after a Slew of Criminal Attacks” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Oct 2011″]Chairman and Managing Director of Sun Network Kalanithi Maran's close aide Hansraj Saxena, facing a slew of criminal lawsuits and just out of a two-month prison stint on conditional bail, has resigned from the Sun TV Network
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lenin evades multiple summons, 14-Aug-2011 and 21-Sep-2011″ icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Oct 2011″]Lenin evades multiple summons, 14-Aug-2011 and 21-Sep-2011[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas and false rape victim, attempt to file fake rape case with FBI Office in Los Angeles” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Nov 2011″]FBI did not buy Douglas' arguments.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sun TV COO Hansraj Saxena denied anticipatory bail in Ma Ranjitha’s complaint in Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Nov 2011″]The Chennai Sessions Court today denied anticipatory bail for Sun TV COO Hansraj Saxena for a case of morphing video involving actress Ma Ranjitha
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Alleged rape victim doesn’t remember dates of her rape!!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Nov 2011″]Because they didnt happen? That is why she has to change statement in the court 3 times? As per convinience & after discussing with other conspirators?
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Second non-bailable warrant issued against Lenin Karrupan” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Nov 2011″]Lenin Karuppan sought for anticipatory bail in this extortion case which was rejected by all levels of the Indian judiciary right upto the Apex Court: the magistrate, Sessions Court, High Court of Madras (19 December 2011), Supreme Court of India (27 February 2012)
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court blocks release, promotion and exhibition of defamatory Telugu film, Swami Sathyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Nov 2011″]Court ordered against the film based on defamtory stories and morped videos said the film as well as any other version of the film, shall not be promoted, released or exhibited in any manner.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Andhra Pradesh Film Censor board complies with court order.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Nov 2011″]Film boards executes heavy cuts on the Telugu film ‘Ayyare’
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Honb’le Bangalore Magistrate issues summons to Sun Network Tamil daily Dinakaran and Tamil Murasu in case filed by Ms Ranjitha” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Dec 2011″]They published defamatory content based on the morphed video.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lenin Karuppan absconding, all other accused under investigation.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Jan 2012″]Charges include – extortion, criminal intimidation, criminal conspiracy etc in connection with the release of the morphed video
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Forensic expert notices that the morphed video has deleted files” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Jan 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Information and Broadcasting Ministry to further probe media in Ranjitha's writ petition” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Feb 2012″]Ms. Ranjitha filed Petition no 8619/2011 against various print and electronic media on February 24, 2011 before Karnataka High Court objecting obscene and defamatory coverage of the morphed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Slander and Defamation through Sharp Words – Utter Misuse of Journalistic Rights by Firstpost” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Mar 2012″]A brazen act of defamation posted by FirstPost, an online media and news website, slanders the name of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Clearly aimed at completely biasing their readers, Firstpost throws all journalistic integrity out the window as they hurl cheap insults at Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The morphed video was sent for forensic analysis to 4 top audio/video forensic experts in USA” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Mar 2012″]Having served as expert witnesses in USA as well as other countries worldwide, with multiple years of experience, they gave their detailed analysis of the video.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas filed every fake complaint, with every bogus document he could create” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Mar 2012″]Douglas filed fake complaints to the US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, Field Offices of 1) Los Angeles, 2) San Francisco, 3) Seattle, and 4) Detroit. To date, no action was ever taken and Douglas was not never successful.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Forensic evidence explains with 60 reasons how the video was morphed and not genuine” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Mar 2012″]Conspirators and paid “Presstitute” discredited. India media discarded the reports accepted by US courts.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda exposes conspiracy in Chennai Press meet” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Mar 2012″]Swami-ji exposed the hidden truths of the infamous morphed video conspiracy that targeted him and his organization in March 2010. The press meet comes in the wake of the arrest of Lenin Karuppan, the chief accused in the conspiracy.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Star Vijay forced to apologize” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Mar 2012″]Channel was ordered to put a scrolling apology in bold font for 7 days on TV apologizing Ma Ranjitha and for violating High Court orders by BCCC, Broadcast Content Complaints Council
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda files his first ever Criminal Defamation Complaint (600-page submission)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Mar 2012″]This is the first personal legal action against the religious aggressors, who have been persecuting him and the organization for over two years.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court summons Sun TV, Dinakaran and Tamil Murasu in Ms. Ranjitha criminal defamation case” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Mar 2012″]Ms. Ranjitha filed criminal defamation complaints against Sun TV and their two Tamil dailies, Dinakaran and Tamil Murasu, before the Third Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Bangalore in December 2011, for recklessly defaming her through false articles and the morphed video allegedly linking her to her Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda in March 2010.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court Dismisses Lenin’s Bail Plea In Nithyananda Administrator's Case” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Apr 2012″]Lenin Karuppan has been denied bail by Chennai Magistrate Court in the Nithyananda administrator's blackmail and extortion case.He has been facing interrogation by the Tamilnadu CID since 26th March and has confessed to his crimes. Lenin’s bail petition was dismissed today (2nd April) after due consideration of the serious nature of the offences committed.[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory Against Trial-By-Media: Injunction Against 9 Major Media Houses Issued” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Apr 2012″]Bangalore City Civil Court passed an interim injunction order against 9 Bangalore Television news channels including TV9, Survarna 24×7, Kasthuri, Udaya, Janashri, Public TV, E TV, Samaya 24×7 and News 9 restraining them from exhibiting, broadcasting or telecasting of programmes, reports, clippings or visuals referring to Nithyananda in a false or derogatory manner.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Bangalore Press Meet : I Want a CBI Investigation Into My Case!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Apr 2012″]‘Since the CID is continuously bringing false information, false witnesses to the Court, I may be forced to go for a CBI investigation’, stated His Divine Holiness in a Bangalore Press Meet. He blew the lid off the additional charge sheet filed against Him by the Karnataka CID in March 2012, revealing series of falsifications and inconsistencies in it that thoroughly discredit the incriminating document.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”U.S. Forensic Expert Reports state Video was Morphed: 60 points proven” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”06 Apr 2012″]US based forensic agencies, which are employed by FBI, gave 60 points to prove that the video is fake. India West, the largest weekly newspaper in US published the analysis report citing US forensic lab experts as the – Video being ‘Morphed’ wherein Paramahamsa Nithyananda was falsely portrayed with a woman.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Aarthi Rao further discredited: U.S. court ordered default judgment against Aarthi Rao for her total disregard for the law by failing to appear for her mandatory court ordered deposition.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Apr 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Declared 293rd Gurumahasannidhanam of Madurai Adheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Apr 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Propaganda, Attacks on Spiritual Leadership of Ancient Temple Monastery (Madurai Aadheenam)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Apr 2012″]Anti-Hindu Propaganda of staged attacks, media trials, false public opinions against Spiritual Leadership of His Divine Holiness for Madurai Aadheenam, the world's most ancient living Hindu monastery in South India.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Harrowing Attacks on Ancient Tradition of Pontiff: Misguided Hindu-Outfits Protest ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Apr 2012″]Attacks on Ancient Spiritual Tradition of Pontiff: Anti-Hindu elements misguided Hindu-Outfits to protest against Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Petition Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda REJECTED: Courts Dismiss the Usurpers Protest Against the New Pontiff” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Apr 2012″]Two vested interests, who were illegally occupying the Madurai Aadheenam property, filed a petition requesting for Paramahamsa Nithyananda to be removed as the next successor to Madurai Aadheenam, the most ancient religious organization and monastery in the world. The suit was dismissed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Threats and Bullying: Power Hungry Community Leaders Rallied Against the Coronation of Paramahamsa Nithyananda as Next Head of Madurai Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Apr 2012″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu groups oppose Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s appointment as head of oldest Hindu organization” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Apr 2012″]Following Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s coronation as 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam, several Hindu outfits protested His appointment. The current head of Madurai Aadheenam defended his decision.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Douglas tried to file the same same set of bogus complaints to the California Attorney General. ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 May 2012″]This is at least his 13th attempt to file bogus complaints!
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court Dismisses Lenin’s Bail Plea – His Crimes too Severe for Bail” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 May 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”No bail for Lenin in blackmail case!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 May 2012″]Chennai: Lenin Karuppan, key accused in the March 2010 conspiracy against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, was today denied bail by the Principal Sessions Judge, Chennai in the extortion and blackmail case filed against him by one of the administrators of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Name Cleared after a False Allegation of Kidnap: One Small Victory in the Onslaught of Character Assassination” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 May 2012″]A devotee of another Hindu Mutt (monastery) filed a petition against Paramahamsa Nithyananda claiming that He kidnapped Arunagirinatha Paramsariyar Swamigal, the Head of Madurai Aadheenam, the world’s most ancient religious organization. The petition was dismissed when Arunagirinatha Paramsariyar Swamigal filed an affidavit denying these allegations.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu leaders viciously oppose Paramahamsa Nithyananda as Head of an Ancient Monastery in South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 May 2012″]Immediately, after Paramahamsa Nithyananda was anointed as the 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam, several Hindu groups opposed His appointment, including Hindu Makkal Katchi, and filed petitions against Him. The courts and 292nd pontiff stand by Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the successor of Madurai Aadheenam.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Terrycloth Towel -Mistaken- for Tiger Skin: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Acquitted of Ridiculous Poaching Allegation” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 May 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Suit to remove Paramahamsa Nithyananda as Madurai Aadheenam head dismissed” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 May 2012″]Another case requesting to remove Paramahamsa Nithyananda as Madurai Aadheenam head has been filed. The case has been dismissed in court as being baseless.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”53 prominent Hindu organizations pass resolution supporting Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 May 2012″]All the 53 organisation came forward to form Madurai Aadheenam Protection Committee and pledged to support Paramahamsa Nithyananda. They also declared Swamiji as the visionary leader for a Hindu Renaissance
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Bangalore Court summons Kumudam Reporter tamil magazine group for defaming Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 May 2012″]Acting on a criminal defamation complaint filed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the 9th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Bangalore has summoned 22 different individuals involved and associated with the highly popular Tamil magazine, Kumudam Reporter to answer charges of criminal defamation of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Our first responsibility is to help people. Madurai Aadheenam & Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Host Free Medical Camp for the Public” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 May 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Harrowing Attacks on Hindu monks at Kanjanur Mutt (monastery)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 May 2012″]Case of inhuman Attacks: Two Monks, dedicated to serve humanity, were inhumanly attacked by several rowdy thugs who stormed the Kanjanur temple, South India
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Gruesome Attack on devotees of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda at Kanjanur Temple, South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 May 2012″]Many devotees and volunteers who gathered to serve the sacred Kanjanur Temple, South India, were rudely shocked on being assaulted suddenly by Anti-Hindu hooligans.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Yet Another Failed Attempt by Douglas…” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 May 2012″]Douglas' 13th attempt of filing bogus complains against Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”RELENTLESS! Douglas even tried to manipulate a US Senator to take action against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Jun 2012″]Douglas' 14th attempt of filing bogus complains against Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Contempt of Court by Suvarna TV in defaming Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Jun 2012″]Counsel to Paramahamsa Nithyananda files Contempt Of Court Against Suvarna Television for disobeying court order that restrained telecast of anything subjudiced or defamatory attack on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Audacity to contempt the court points to role of bigger orchestrated venomous black propaganda against His Divine Holiness.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Assassins from Suvarna TV aammpt to Murder His Divine Holiness” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Jun 2012″]Their attempted murder of one of His Divine Holiness’s monks caught on video.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Suvarna News Channel life-attack on Paramahamsa Nithyananda: Police Atrocities on Female Sanyasis” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jun 2012″]TV Channel goons abuse woman physically, and police arrests the female monks (sannyasinis) but takes no action on the goons
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness holds second press meet, again Suvarna TV attacks devotees” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jun 2012″]Suvarna seems at this point not to be a news channel, but a violent drunken gang. Once again, they attack disciples at Nithyananda Peetam Bengaluru Adheenam press conference.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Yellow Tabloid India TV Attempts to Malign Character and Dignity of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jun 2012″]India TV posted a malevolent piece online, crafted in a derogatory language presenting lies, insulting the dignity of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Repeatedly using verbal abuse, it grossly violated the basic freedom of press
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Suvarna TV illegally hosts Aarathi Rao – false-witness in case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Jun 2012″]Lenin Karuppan, chief co-conspirator in false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda brings in Aarathi Rao as a false witness in the case. Aarathi Rao has already lost her similar false case in the US courts against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and discredited for false accusations of rape and slapped with Half Million US dollars as penalty. Suvarna TV hosts Aarathi Rao.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Food is Life! Paramahamsa Nithyananda Stands By His Decision to Bless the World with Free Sattvic, Organic, Pure Vegetarian Food” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Jun 2012″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Video evidence ignored by police; no arrests made.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Jun 2012″]Despite no evidence, police immediately come and arrest 10 of His Divine Holiness’s monks. His Divine Holiness urges everyone to stay non-violent.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Suvarna TV brought HELL in to My life” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Jun 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Violation of our Rights to worship: Ashram illegally sealed in an attack by the police.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Jun 2012″]Bidadi police enforced a curfew in ashram, a private property. No more than 4 people can gather together even for puja.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Illegal arrest and Conspiracy to Kill His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Jun 2012″]Disciples wonder if the attack will ever end. Future court inquiries will chastise police for acting 'without authority' and 'illegality in proceedings' but again, the damage is done. TV ratings soar.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Religious Persecution: Nithyananda denied the right to worship while in custody.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jun 2012″]2000 years old tradition broken!
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Small Victory amidst Constant Attacks: His Divine Holiness released from illegal detention.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jun 2012″]Devotees are horrified that police can just come at any time and take His Divine Holiness.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Absurd False Allegation: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Accused of Stealing NON-EXISTENT Maragatha Lingam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jun 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”When Nithyannada Gurukul Got Shut Down and Our Aadhenam Got Sealed” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Jun 2012″]After spending 17 years in US, Rishi Advait (42), decided to be aadheenawasi barely one and a half months after the brutal media attack on His Spiritual Guru His Divine Holiness Paramhamsa Nithyananda in the year 2010. In 2012, he is an insider and is experiencing the media attacks and judiciary with a different angle altogether. Needless to say, this time its more gruesome. His tryst, (as a ordinary disciple of a superconsciousness) with Media, Police, Judiciary, general public and as a Principale of Nithyananda Gurukul.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Disciple Files a Habeas Corpus Petition. Court orders release of His Divine Holiness.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2012″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Rape victim or extortionist? Aarthi Rao faces blackmail charges.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Jun 2012″]But Court senses she is a flight-risk and demands her to surrender USA passport and report to CID every day.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”No cause to investigate says police to fraudulent attempts to frame His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Jun 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Interview with Outlook Magazine” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Jul 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Defaming a Hindu Monk disciple – Yellow Journalism at its worst, One India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Jul 2012″]Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, a dedicated Hindu Monk of Nithyananda Monastic Order targeted by Yellow Tabloid Media; shocking lies created to impact hate for great Hindu monastic tradition.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”In Interview with His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Smitha Verma from The Telegraph.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jul 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court Orders Government to pay fine of Rs. 10 crore to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Jul 2012″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Political party members publicly ask government to remove Paramahamsa Nithyananda as head of oldest monastery” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Aug 2012″]After His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was anointed the 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam, the oldest religious organization in the world, several political party members spoke out in the media in opposition to His appointment. They went so far as to file a petition against Him requesting to remove Him as the head. The petitions were flatly denied.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Aarthi Rao's incriminating medical reports released by US court: Yep, she has herpes.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Aug 2012″]Medical records from 2004 show she has at least 4 non-treatable highly contagious STDs all over her body, while Paramahamsa Nithyananda has none
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Bulldozed by Years of Pressure, Threats and False Cases, 292nd Pontiff of Madurai Adheenam Reluctantly Revokes Paramahamsa Nithyananda as His Chosen Successor” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Aug 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False rape victim carries 4 STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) while Nithyananda is CLEAN.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Aug 2012″]She claims to be a typical traditional Brahmin woman ! Conservative, orthodox !! Medical reports released as per USA Court Orders.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Alleged rape victim had exposure to HIV!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Aug 2012″]This happened from “new partner” after last incident of alleged rape. This is the same person who claimed to be a “traditional Indian woman”!
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False Rape victim has active herpes STD with regular monthly outbreaks” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Aug 2012″]And Paramahamsa Nithyananda had none of these STD. How is it possible is she was raped 50 times?!
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Medical report show how dubious was the false rape victim claims to be in a Monogamous Relationship” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Aug 2012″]Having multiple partners and claiming monogamous relationship with her husband are inconsistent
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda's medical reports proves his innocence” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Sep 2012″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s medical reports shows clearly no STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) which clearly proves that the allegations of rape on him by the alleged victim (carrier of highly contagious, incurable STD genital herpes) are absolutely baseless and false.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory: False accuser Vinay Bharadwaj sentenced by Seattle, USA, for felony counts of child sexual abuse.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Sep 2012″]Vinay had three felony counts of child sexual abuse.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The false rape victim exposed by co-conspirator!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Sep 2012″]This was spilled out by the conspirator Kalyan Raman who directly revealed the modus operandi to the Chennai incharge of the Nithyananda Mission.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: Government Files a False Case Against Madurai Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Oct 2012″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Petition Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda Dismissed!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Oct 2012″]M. Jagathalapradapan and Ma. Gouthaman, two vested interests, filed two separate petitions against Madurai Aadheenam and His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, claiming that His appointment as the 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam Mutt, the world’s oldest religious organization, was illegal and requesting the State of Tamil Nadu and the Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department to remove Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the successor. Both petitions were dismissed in court.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Cultural Heritage Attack: HR&CE attempts Infringing Land Grab of Private Monastery” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Nov 2012″]HR&CE (Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments) attempted to falsely present Nithyananda Peetham, Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, a private monastery property as a public temple to grab it, attacking its cultural heritage.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Petition filed Against attempted Land-grabbing at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam property in Trichy” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Nov 2012″]On 7 November 2012, a petition was submitted against the attempts made by certain individuals who have been trespassing and trying to grab the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram property at Navalur Kuttapattu near Trichy in Tamil Nadu, and who have been threatening to kill the devotees.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Landgrabbing attempt at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Hyderabad ashram failed.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Nov 2012″]This is to clarify regarding the false news being telecast in some channels about alleged land-grabbing by Nithyananda in relation to the Hyderabad ashram.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory: False accuser Vinay Bharadwaj further discredited as USA court dismisses his malicious false cases.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Nov 2012″]By next year court will order $500,000 judgement against him for knowingly falsifying allegations to tarnish His Divine Holiness’s reputation.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sun TV ex-COO Confesses Video of Paramahamsa Nithyananda is Morphed” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Dec 2012″]After highly crediible forensic evidence from the top US forensic experts proved with 60 points that the morphed video was false and fabricated, which was aired by Sun TV in 2010, ex-COO of Sun TV Mr. Hansraj Saxena confessed that the video was fabricated and a product of a huge conspiracy to blackmail and extract money from Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Political group breaks into aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Jan 2013″]The Navanirmana sena, a group of rowdies based Ramanagara district, overnight vandalized and destroyed property in the Nithyananda Peetham Bengaluru Aadheenam. They destroyed signboards, mutilated the face of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and put graffiti with abusive marks.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”A Fight for the Right to Worship: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Files a Petition Requesting to Continue His Appointed Rituals in Madurai Adheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Jan 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Huge Victory – Paramahamsa Nithyananda unanimously elected spiritual head (Mahamandaleshwar) of the revered Mahanirvani Peeth – Indian media forced to bite tongue.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Feb 2013″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda became Mahamandaleshwar (honored saint) of the revered Mahanirvani Peeth. Mahanirvani Peeth is more than 10,000 years old and is the oldest apex body of Hinduism.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Another Victory: 'Illegal arrest and gross abuse of power.' says High Court of Karnataka about the false case against Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Feb 2013″]High Court of Karnataka quashes entire case proceedings by District Magistrate of Ramanagara against Sri Nithyananda Swami
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”High Court of Karnataka quashes false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Feb 2013″]The Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka on 25 February 2013 quashed the complaint filed by Karnataka Nava Nirman Sene (Bhima Shanar Patil and Shivaraja) in Cr. No. 295/2012 filed on 7 June 2012. The High Court clearly said that no offence is made out in the case and hence the case is quashed. The High Court made a serious observation that ‘the registration of the case against Sri Nithyananda Swami by the police is without any jurisdiction and is actuated with malafides only to malign Sri Nithyananda Swami. It is abuse of process of law.’
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”False rape victim Aarthi Rao's USA Court ordered medical records taken on record by High Court of Karnataka ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Feb 2013″]On 28 February 2013, the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka took on file the US Court ordered medical records of Ms. Aarthi Rao, the false rape victim in the Swami Nithyananda case. These medical records show the false rape victim having multiple STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) since at least 2004.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Distorts Mahalinga Swami’s visit to Nithyananda Peetham” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Mar 2013″]In March 2013, Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta was approached by Mahalinga Swami. But media distorts the story completely.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”FIR registered against Suvarna News 24×7 for inciting violence” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”×7-for-serious-offences-leading-to-breach-of-peace-through-inciting-communal-violence%2F||” time_date_field=”09 Mar 2013″]On 9th March 2013, a FIR was registered at High Grounds Police Station in Cr. No. 0081/2013 against Suvarna News and its owners and reporters, for serious offences leading to breach of peace by provoking one sect of people against another.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Mafia’s Criminal Onslaught: Suvarna TV’s Vagish Prasad openly issues threat to kill Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Mar 2013″]Suvarna television panelist Vagish Prasad wields weapon on panel discussion, issuing life-threat to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Police Case filed.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Rape Case registered against Lenin Karuppan after directions from Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Mar 2013″]On 11 March 2013, Cr. No. 0077/2013 was registered against Mr. Lenin Karuppan in the case filed by Ms. A. Pushpa for various offences under Sections 511, 506, 376, 384,342, 354 of IPC, and Section 3(10) of the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. The case was registered after the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka directed the police to do proper investigation in the case.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda files defamation suit on Suvarna 24×7 channel” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”×7-channel%2F||” time_date_field=”13 Mar 2013″]On 13 March 2013, Sri Nithyananda Swami filed a defamation suit against Suvarna 24×7 at the JMFC, Ramanagara. The channel along with Ms.Aarthi Rao, the false rape victim, has been waging a relentless vengeful slander and abuse campaign the channel has been doing on him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Karnataka HC quashes Suvarna TV false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Mar 2013″]Suvarna 24×7 News Channel editor Ajith Hanumakkanavar plans a life-attack on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and files a false case against Him as well. Hon’ble Karnataka High Court quashes the false case.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Ramesh Gowda and his illegal entry into ashram premises.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Mar 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory: Vinay Bharadwaj ordered by US Court to pay $500,000 in damages for his false case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Apr 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court rules in favor of Manikarnika Seva Ashram trustees and devotees of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Apr 2013″]In a significant development, the Court of the Additional Civil Judge of the Second Senior Division ordered the attachment of the properties and vehicles of the District magistrate (DM) and Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Varanasi, in a case of contempt of court filed against them by Manikarnika Seva Ashram trustees who are devotees of Sri Nithyananda Swami and have been doing various spiritual and social service activities with the support of the ashram.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”One more victory for Paramahamsa Nithyananda!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Apr 2013″]On 8 April 2013, the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernadino, ordered Mr. Vinay Bharadwaj to pay the attorney fees for Nithyananda’s organizations, to take action against the willful, false allegations against Nithyananda’s organizations and abuse of the process of law.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Vested interests attack extends to individual devotees, inhumanly targeting especially women and children” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 May 2013″]The attacks of the vested interests did not remain confined to Swami Nithyananda. They extended to individual devotees, inhumanly targeting especially women and children.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”US Civil Court and US Court of Appeals flatly denies appeal from Vinay Bharadwaj” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Aug 2013″]On August 28, 2013, The U.S. Court of Appeal of The State of California, Fourth District (Division Two) gave its final irrevocable decision beyond the scope of appeal (E058153) in the false case filed by Vinay K. Bharadwaj, the false victim who laid false claims of unnatural sex abuse against Sri Nithyananda Swami.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Reality Check: You’d think Nithyananda’s vindication from false cases in USA courts would help gain some credibility for the legal battle in India, right? Nope. Cases won against the false accusers in USA courts: 4 Minutes of coverage in Indian news media.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Aug 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Legal Notice to Times Now Channel for airing defamatory News against Nithyananda Gurukul” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Aug 2013″]A strong legal notice was issued by Nithyananda Gurukul and the parents of the students for a highly defamatory program telecast by the television news channel Times Now. This attack is not only on Nithyananda Gurukul as an educational institution but also against the 10000 year old Vedic tradition whose backbone is the Gurukul system of enlightenment-based education, and thus on Hinduism at large.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”FBI Academy infectious disease expert writes rape charge on Paramahamsa Nithyananda is false” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Sep 2013″]Aarthi Rao lied in court, claiming not to have any infectious diseases until hr medical records were relesed.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack on Nithyananda Gurukul By Brocasting Baseless news By Samaya TV” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Sep 2013″]Every now and then Nithyananda Gurukul is being harassed by Government officials, Mainstream Media and Organisations Supported by strong Anti-Hindu Forces. Incessant broadcasting of abusive news and attacking His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Mission seemed to be the sole aim of Samaya TV.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Heights of Atrocity: FIR filed against Lawyer of Nithyananda Gurukul” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Sep 2013″]When law is manipulated it defeats the purpose for which law was made. It is a completely unheard that the lawyer itself is framed under false charges so that she cannot stand up for the cause which she strongly believes in. Anti Hindu Forces left no stone unturned to ensure that Nithyanand GurukuI should not be allowed to flourish and reach out to humanity.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”National channel Aaj Tak and Telugu channel TV10 tender public apology to Paramahamsa Nithyananda for airing defamatory news item” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Sep 2013″]In a welcome landmark move from the media, national television news channel Aaj Tak followed by Telugu television channel aired public apology to Paramahamsa Nithyananda for having aired defamatory items featuring the morphed video.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Gurukuls and Madrasas: Equal Status but Different Treatment” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Oct 2013″]Though the government considers Gurukuls and Madrasas in a similar category, the kind of scrutiny and media abuse that Gurukuls undergo is vastly different. The case in point is the series of attacks on the Nithyananda Gurukul, the inspection and investigation done by the CWC, the counselling for parents and children that was mandated and abuse of parents who have their children studying there.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory: Final U.S.Court ordered dismissal of false case filed against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Oct 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Repeated harassment by officials of Women and Child Department” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 Oct 2013″]On Since June 2012, there has been a constant harassment from the Women and Child Department through a series of visits to the Nithyananda Gurukul. There has constant misrepresentation of facts and several attempts have been made to distort them in the media.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”We Were Asked to Prove that We Were Parents of Our Children by CWC Official-Sridevi” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”20 Oct 2013″]They are a set of people who have discovered Hinduism and its limitless ways to enrich the life of a human being, through the grace of AvatarHis Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. What they had in common was that they were convinced that the best environment in which our children can grow up was the home of the ‘Avatar’ in Bidadi, Bengaluru. They had made a choice that was so against the norm when it comes to common society. They had faced enough and more struggles with near and dear ones and relatives in living such a choice. These devotees are also parents of the students of Gurukul. Their realization that ” Freedom is Not free’.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=” Nithyananda Gurukul Kids ill-treated in the name of Inspection by Officers of Department of Women and Child Development” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Oct 2013″]Sathish Selvakumar (Sri Nithya Ishwarpriyananda), an Urban Town Planning , IIT Kharagpur Graduate vehemently expresses himself as a devotee of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. His daughter studies in Nithyananda Gurukul. He was shocked when Samaya TV had misrepresented Nithyananda Gurukul by reporting obnoxious, defamatory, false news in an attempt to defame the ancient education system. It triggered an investigation by the Department of Women and Child Development, Karnataka.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda is Madadhipati of Four Ancient Mutt’s in South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Nov 2013″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack by linguistic fanatics on Bengaluru Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Dec 2013″]A militant group bent on attacking all those who don't speak Kannada stormed the ashram and beat an elderly man because, they claimed, he speaks only Tamil. Was there another motive for their attack? Very likely, as millions of people in Karnataka speak oter languages, but their entire group came to clash only at Nithyananda Peetam.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”US court victory: abusive stations charged 5 million for their slander.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Dec 2013″]In contrast when channels get fined 5 Million USD for defamation, there is no coverage
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[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attempt to Murder Paramahamsa Nithyananda at Uttarahalli Aadheenam, Bangalore” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Jan 2014″]Samaya TV violates inflicts false allegations against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his devotees, of instigating linguistic violence in Karnataka. Leads to brutal attack of male Sanyasi – Hindu Monk – of the Nithyananda Order in Uttarahalli Aadheenam in Karnataka alongwith vandalism of property.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Samaya News hounds Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Haridwar” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Jan 2014″]On 13th & 14th January 2014 there was a sinister attack by the Kannada TV channel and its rowdy elements sent all the way from the South Indian State of Karnataka to the North Indian state of Haridwar.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Brutal Assault on Sanyasi and Destruction of Temple and other property in Uttarahalli – Karnataka” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jan 2014″]Brutal Assault on Sanyasi and Destruction of Temple and other property in Uttarahalli
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Brutal Assault on Sanyasi (Hindu monk) Destruction of Hindu Temple and property in Uttarahalli belonging to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jan 2014″]Samaya Television inflicts false allegations against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his devotees, of instigating linguistic violence in Karnataka. In connivance with criminals and anti-Hindu elements attack male Sanyasi – Hindu monk – at the Uttarahalli Aadheenam and destroy temple and property belonging to His Divine Holiness
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sanyasi’s Parents Instigated Against Him by Brainwashing Media Channels” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Feb 2014″]A Sanyasi of the Nithyananda Samradaya, Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, was made to face huge media uproar in 2014 for the conflict the media created between him and his parents.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”A major Victory: High Court issues Stay Order on Shutting down Nithyananda Gurukul” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Feb 2014″]Justice prevailed when High Court of Karnataka (India) stayed order on shutting down of Nithyananda Gurukul, which is run under the divine guidance of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. It was a major triumph for defamatory, malicious and baseless false reporting against it.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Discredited in USA courts, Aarti Rao changes her claims from rape to consensual..” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Feb 2014″]Aarthi Rao, changes her story. Discredited in USA courts and faced with overwhelming holes in her fabricated story, decides to officially change her claims from rape to consensual, but declares to High Court that “Nithyananda obtained her consent by fraud.” Seriously???
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Extortion, Conspiracy & Blackmail by Rowdy Elements & Vested Interest Media” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Feb 2014″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”'Aarthi Rao is a Liar!' Proof found by mocking webmaster who forgot to update an events calendar.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Feb 2014″]Common sense: webmaster who forgot to update His Divine Holiness’s event calendar mocks Aarthi Rao’s claims of “remote rape”
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”U.S. Federal Court throws out false accuser Aarthi Rao’s cases as bogus” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Aug 2014″]False accuser and chief co-conspirator against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda – Aarathi Rao – faces embarassment as the U.S. Federal Court throws out her cases as sheer bogus thus declaring the complaints made against her by the organisation of Paramahamsa Nithyananda as true and admitted.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Potency Test or Planned Character Assassination?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Sep 2014″]Media speculates that the recently conducted potency tests on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda might exonerate His Holiness from the false rape charges against Him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Father Thomas Edward, Director of a NGO funded by Anti Hindu Forces abuses Parents of Children studying in Nithyananda Gurukul” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Sep 2014″]On the series of attack done by Anti Hindu Forces on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His mission, Father Edward Thomas, the Director of a Bangalore based NGO gave an abusive report on Nithyananda Gurukul to local Media. To stop its rapid growth the NGO funded by Anti Hindu forces launched an unexpected and scathing attack on the traditional educational system.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Protection of Human Rights Manipulated to Be Seen as Obstruction of Law – Daily Mail Online” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Sep 2014″]The Daily Mail is an International news outlet which caters to 3.951 million readers worldwide. They are criticised worldwide for their unreliable reporting, twisting of scientific evidence to show it as fact, and sensationalising celebrity gossip.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Doctors Without Morals: Paramahamsa Nithyananda was abused during tests.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Sep 2014″]National news paper reports: Afraid of repercussions of the abuse they did, during the medical examinations, doctors refuse to sign Nithyananda’s medical report
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Medical tests exonerate Paramahamsa Nithyananda of rape charge?” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Sep 2014″]Media speculates that the recently conducted potency tests on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda might exonerate His Holiness from the false rape charges against Him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False report intentionally filed by CWC against Nithyananda Gurukul” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Sep 2014″]A Vedic Gurukul was targetted by Anti Hindu elements brutally. A NGO funded by anti national and anti hindu forces raised a false complaint with the CWC, Though the officials were highly satisfied with the facilities provided by the end of the visit, the report that they filled to the government completely misrepresented the facts.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa and Potency Test: Divine being tested by Mankind” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Sep 2014″]An Emotional sharing of a disciple, the pain and suffering of seeing her Guru, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda going through Potency Test to prove his innocent in the Media sensationalized Fake Video Conspiracy, a cunning strategy to thwart her Guru.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares His trust on Indian Judiciary” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”19 Sep 2014″]His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda publicly declares His trust on the Indian Judiciary after undergoing potency tests at the Victoria Hospital to disprove the alleged victim’s rape charges against Him.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Medical tests continue to vindicate Paramahamsa Nithyananda as a celibate monk beyond sexual desire.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Oct 2014″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda's male hormone (testosterone) level is below a new born baby, and even less than woman. Further medical tests continue to vindicate Nithyananda, establish his authenticity as a celibate monk beyond sexual desire.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Fraud rape victim extradited for contempt of U.S court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Oct 2014″]Multiple failures to appear, numrous false accusations, and contempt of the court prove false rape victim is abusing the judiciary in a nefarious plot against Nithyananda. Now, Aarthi Rao’s deliberate contempt of court leads to start of extradition process in USA to force her to testify in the false cases she brought.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False Rape Victim Aarathi Rao Exposed Lying Under Oath to the High Court!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Oct 2014″]The USA hospital doctors who treated Ms. Arathi Rao for her multiple highly contagious and incurable STDs including Herpes simplex, Genital Herpes, Herpes Gladiatorum, have sworn under oath that the medical reports of Ms. Arathi Rao are completely true and that they have given the medial findings documented in her medical records which was submitted by the Hospital on the direction of the USA Court to the Indian Court and Karnataka CID as well as the lawyer of Sri Nithyananda Swami for his defense in the false rape case against him by Ms. Arathi Rao.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Victory in Attempted Land Grab” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Nov 2014″]In response to the much-hyped issue of land-grabbing and encroachment alleged against Sri Nithyananda Swami, the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka while ruling on WP 53359/2014 (KLR-RES) observed that there was a real threat to the ashram from biased interests and ordered for a stay on any action including demolition of any structure in the ashram by the government.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Medical test reveals Paramahamsa Nithyananda has extremely low testosterone” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Nov 2014″]Sri Nithyananda Swami’s report shows that he has just 5% of the lowest testosterone level required to be even considered a man.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Going Beyond Gender – A Concept Abused and Manipulated By Corrupt Media” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Nov 2014″]In another deceitful headline by Deccan Chronicle, they claim that the potency test taken by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda 2 months before the publishing of this article, proved that he is a man after all. This statement sways the public to believe that Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s gender was something of a joke, further denigrating his hard work and effort into conscious evolution of humanity
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda: Not just a potency test!!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Dec 2014″]Bangalore Mirror publishes an article describing how the potency test debunks the whole false case
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Sensationalism – Natural Death made into Murder” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Dec 2014″]Sangeetha Arjunan, a female Sanyasi (Hindu Monk) and a resident at the Bengaluru Adheenam passed away due to sudden cardiac arrest. Sangeetha was living with a past history of cardiac problem not only in her own life but in her family’s also. Her family members were all devotees and thankful to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda to have shifted and transformed Sangeetha’s life for the better. However, vested interest media took the opportunity to increase their TRP rating by making this natural death into a murder.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Statistics on the media trial – a shocking continuous run of 1.56 years non-stop!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Dec 2014″]
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[icon_timeline_item time_title=”More Brutal Attempts to Drive Out Sanyasis in Thanjavur, Planned by Fake Swami Atmananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jan 2015″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Chargesheet filed Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Conspirators in Chennai Magistrate Court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Mar 2015″]In a major development in the conspiracy surrounding Swami Nithyananda, the Chennai Crime Branch CID, filed the chargesheet reporting the results of the 5 year investigation in the case of conspiracy and extortion done on Swami Nithyananda. The 250 page chargesheet has been filed before the Metropolitan Magistrate Court in Chennai charging the eight accused including Lenin Karuppan, Arathi Rao, Sun TV executives and tabloid Nakkeeran editors under Sections 341, 342, 392, 323, 420 and 506(2) IPC@120B, 384, 385, 386, 392, 342 and 109 r/w 385 IPC, Section 67 r/w 67A IT Act 2000 and Section 4 of Tamilnadu Prohibition of harassment of Women Act 1998 and Section 3 and4 r/w 6 of Indecent representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”$115 Million Worth of Assets Added to SunTV CEO’s Fraud Probe” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Mar 2015″]Indian court attaches $115 Million (742 Cr) worth of SunTV CEO Kalanithi Maran’s assets to the growing fraud probe, ensuring he won’t escape justice. His desperate appeals to overturn are denied by the court. Blackmailer Maran was chief conspirator in creating and spreading the morphed video against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Intimidation of a Shaivite Master in the Holy City of Varanasi” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 May 2015″]His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s international spiritual program faces humiliation from media and anti-Hindu elements in the Holy City of Varanasi
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sun TV Shares drop 26 percent on NSE After Years of Blackmail and Extortion” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Jun 2015″]After years of blackmail and extortion by SunTV and its partners on various public personalities including His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the world sees some justice. SunTV shares dropped 26% on NSE (National Stock Exchange) after 33 of their channels were denied security clearance.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”SunTV CEO K Maran – on the run from CBI in huge scam probe” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Jul 2015″]Sun TV network CEO Kalanaidhi Maran – chief conspirator in false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda – on the run now from CBI in huge criminal probe
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Media Goon from TV9 Threatens the Life of Innocent Hindu Sanyasi” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Aug 2015″]A Hindu Sanyasi of the Nithyananda Sanyas Sampradaya received an alarming phone call from a media person, who threatened his very life.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sanyasis Assaulted and Beaten for Inquiring into Illegal Activities of Swami Atmananda – Vedaranyam and Panchanathikulam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Aug 2015″]Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Sanyasis were illegally assaulted and beaten for inquiring into the illegal activities of Swami Atmananda. As soon as they began questioning him, thugs with wooden logs were sent with murderous intent to the mutts to assault the sanyasis there.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”End of Unfair Trial: High Court of Madras Orders thorough Investigation in Conspiracy against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Oct 2015″]During previous lower court sessions, vested interests in the police deviously prevented more witnesses and involved parties to be called to the Trial Court for fair investigations. With petitions filed by Ms. Ranjitha, justice prevailed, and High Court ordered all parties to be summoned to the court.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=” Female Sanyasi Pushed to the Ground in Thiruvarur” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Oct 2015″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pujaris in Panchanatikulam Had to Live in Constant Insecurity of Being Assaulted” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Oct 2015″]Hindu Priest was brutally attacked because he was taking care of temple so Sincerely
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nithyananda Mutts Under Attack: More Violence and Death Threats to the Protectors of Sanatana Hindu Dharma at Thiruvarur” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Nov 2015″]In an unexpected, baffling turn of events, the very supporter Atmananda Swami, who was requesting the help of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completely turned crooked, responsible for the brutal attack of rowdies, threatening the lives of Sanyasis (monks) of Nithyananda Order, illegally selling off precious portions of the temple/mutt properties and misusing donations gifted by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Vedaranyam Sadhukkal Mutt Vandalised & Harmless Sanyasis Brutally Attacked” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Nov 2015″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Life-threatening Attacks Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s disciples in Tamil Nadu” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Nov 2015″]Ignoring the legal victory that establishes His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the Pontiff for 4 traditional monasteries, the anti-human elements conspiring an ethnic cleansing (i.e. systematic forced criminalistic removal), hired hooligans to attack the monks, abuse the keepers of India’s cultural heritage and spiritual legacy, and launched conspiracy to restrict entry to the Mutts.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Innocent Monks Savagely Attacked at 4 Traditional Monasteries in South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Nov 2015″]Ignoring the legal victory that establishes Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the Pontiff for 4 traditional monasteries, the anti-social elements attack, abuse the monks and conspire to restrict entry to the Mutts.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Extortion by Anti-Hindu Forces in Phuket” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Dec 2015″]In December, 2015, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducted a program called Nithyanandoham in Phuket, Thailand. The program was meant to be a beach vacation, but the events that transpired were no holiday for the spiritual seekers, who discovered, to their horror, that the anti-Hindu forces continuously attacking Paramahamsa Nithyananda in India had formed an unholy alliance with mobsters in Thailand who were all too happy to attack, extort and attempt to imprison Him on false charges.
[/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_sep] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Misleading Headlines by Times of India on an Interim Stay” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Feb 2016″]media, being corrupt as it already is, reported that Paramahamsa Nithyananda was restrained from being the mutts head. And the headlines was structured in such a way as to give an impression that he was restrained forever from being the mutts head.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda Fully Supports Indian Army” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Feb 2016″]Despite the manipulation of His comments by the media, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a strong supporter of the Indian Armed Forces.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Educated, traditional Indian woman claims to be brainwashed into having sex for enlightenment” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Mar 2016″]Hon’ble Judge in Raghaveshwara Bharathi case would observe
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Uncondonable Delay of More Than Five Years to Give Statement After ” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Mar 2016″]Hon’ble Judge in Raghaveshwara Bharathi case would observe
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”A detailed third party Analysis of the entire persecution” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Mar 2016″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Conspiracy and Media Attack on Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Kumbhamela, Ujjain” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Apr 2016″]His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda having established the largest Kumbhmela presence and camp in Ujjain in April 2016 had to face atrocities perpetrated by a hostile Government and media.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”US Federal Court orders False Rape victim to appear for non-payment of half a million dollar fine!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Apr 2016″]Appalling audacity of false rape victim Aarthi Rao of not paying fine of half a million dollars has attracted a strong response from the US Federal Court; ordering her to appear in court for disposition. Earlier, she was slapped the fine for her unscrupulous intention of maligning His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s character. She may invite Jail sentence for her constant non compliance of the Court.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nithyananda Sangha Malaysia Under Attack & Received Death Threats” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 May 2016″]Conspiracy against the Nithyananda Sangha Malaysia. False propaganda, abusive calls, extortion and death threats on Paramahamsa Nithyananda, His Sannyasis & devotees
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”HC of Karnataka Orders to Disclose various Evidences Supporting Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Jul 2016″]Since 2014, the legal team of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda began collecting evidence which unquestioningly proves His innocence. These included medical reports of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the false rape victim, Arathi Rao. Finally, the High Court of Karnataka accepted to open this evidence in court and use it to help the cases filed against Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This development was sure to expose the criminal conspirators against His Divine Holiness.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”There Cannot be Two Junior Pontiffs: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Turns to the Judiciary for Help in Preserving the Ancient Regulations of Madurai Adheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Jul 2016″]
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”VICTORY: Another False Case Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda Quashed by Hon’ble High Court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Aug 2016″]The false case filed by Lenin Karuppan in 2010 against Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been quashed by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka, stating it was false and frivolous. This ruling is one in a series of judgments in favor of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His disciples
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Baseless Case Filed on Paramahamsa Nithyananda Quashed After 6 Long Years” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Nov 2016″]After the release of the morphed video, an advocate in Tamil Nadu filed a complaint accusing Paramahamsa Nithyananda of hurting his religious sentiment with this video. The complaint was registered and a summons was issued. After six long years, the case was quashed by the Hon’ble High Court, stating it was completely baseless.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_sep][icon_timeline_feat]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu Elements David Ananth Liberally Condemned Nityananda & the Malaysian Goverment” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”01 Feb 2017″]Sedition, condemnation & insults on Hindu religious rituals conducted by the Malaysian Nithyananda Sangha Society during the Thaipusam day celebration by paid media
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”A Hindu Sanyasi and a devotee beaten and abused by anti-Hindu forces during worship at Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Feb 2017″]A Hindu Sanyasi and a devotee shed blood attacked by anti–Hindu religious persecutors. Beaten and abused during worship at Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai, South India they were later hospitalized for due treatment.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Mob did not Spare Innocent Women & Children of Nithyananda Disciples in Malaysia” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”13 Feb 2017″]The auspicious occasion of Thaipusam turned into a terror, mobs started to bully and harass women, even the kids were in danger
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Supreme Court stays start of trial in the false case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Feb 2017″]Supreme Court of India stays the start of trial in the false case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda citing significant documents favouring Him being wantonly suppressed from submission to court
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Honourable Chennai Court quashes Puducherry case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Feb 2017″]Hon’ble Chennai High Court Quashes Fictitious Case Against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Puducherry, hoisted under the section of hurting the religious sentiments of people
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”World Economic Forum reports Indian Media as the most corrupted!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”06 Mar 2017″]Horrifying revelations about Indian Media: A heinous tale and instances of its unscrupulous involvement in financial, criminal, civil and sexual crimes in a organised attempt to destabilize the nation. This fact was consolidated by World Economic Forum which has recently tweeted Indian media as the most corrupt media in the world.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”We want to live with an Avatar, Stop Harrassing Swamiji: Balasants” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Mar 2017″]We have abandoned our ancient Vedic Education system, which is a 5000-year old Hindu tradition of transmitting higher knowledge and enlightenment to the students by yogic powers by the Guru with an aim to develop the latent yogic powers of the child and build him up into a Moral & Spiritual stalwarts with attention to character building to build students into a real Purusha (Human), and not just a walking computer. This is the result of cultural genocide which Hinduism have been targeted with.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Encroachers didn’t allow to get basic infrastructure structures – Shares security of the Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Apr 2017″]Sri Nithya Yogaswarupananda candidly tells his experience living in Trishulam Aadheenam (temple monastery complex) for one year as the battles there just started. For one year he alone faced the initial abuse with a brave face, standing for the hindu teachings of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Monk was violently pushed in a choke-hold by illegal encroachers on Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s land” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Apr 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Illegal Encroacher Vengefully Files False Complaint” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 May 2017″]The illegal encroacher, Krishnan, who manipulated original land documents of the Trishulam Aadheenam (temple monastery complex) property and destroyed evidence of an attack on April 28, 2017, vengefully files a false complaint against Ma Nithya Supriyananda and Sri Nithya Yogaswarupananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Female and male Sanyasis (Hindu monks) abused physically and verbally at Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 May 2017″]Female and male Sanyasis (Hindu monks) of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, beaten, abused verbally, and harassed by anti-Hindu elements at Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai (South India).
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Local Gundas Spew Life Threats To Stop Progress of Residence Repair” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 May 2017″]Local gundas Anbu and a woman named Viji halted the repair of the only living space of sanyasis using atrocious verbal abuse. Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami (female Hindu monk) filed a official complaint for this atrocity.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Wife of Encroacher Caught Removing Her Own Saree to Attempt Filing Rape Charges” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 May 2017″]In their attempts to create atrocity material against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Female encroachers in Trishulam Aadheenam(temple monastery complex) disrobe themselves in public, making false claims of rape by male sanyasis(monks).
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Illegal Occupants, Sudhakar and Family, Refuse to Vacate Land Even After Being Formally Informed” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 May 2017″]The Trishulam Adheenam property legally belonged to the Valli Ramanathan after her grandmother had passed it on to her in her will. However, over time two families illegally occupied the land. Sudhakar and his family lived in four huts in the land.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Discharge Petition by false accusers against Paramahamsa Nithyananda Lenin Karuppan and Aarathi Rao Dismissed by Sessions Court” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 May 2017″]Principal Sessions Court Ramanagara dismisses discharge petition filed by Lenin Karuppan and Aarathi Rao, co-conspirators and chief accused in the criminal conspiracy against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sudhakar’s Sons Recklessly Throw Meat Into Trishulam Aadheenam Property” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 May 2017″]Illegal occupants, Sudhakar and his sons, continue their verbal and physical defilement of sacred places by throwing vulgar insults at female sanyasis residing in the Aadheenam (temple monastery complex) and on top of that, throw meat into the holy ground.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Belligerent Men Continuously Verbally Attack Female Sanyasis in Trishulam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 May 2017″]At the cost of the safety and security of female monks, Krishnan and his sons as well as Sudhakar and his family, all illegal occupants of Trishulam Aadheenam property continuously slander the residents.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”As Sanyasis Work On A Massive Project to Clean Land, Attackers attack the JCB driver, terrorising him to run for his life” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Jun 2017″]While Sanyasis partook in a massive project to clean the land that the encroachers had converted into a dump-yard. Rowdi attackers assault the JCB drivers terrorising them to flee from the scene. Sanyasis were threatened, work was forcefully stopped if further abuse and assault was to be avoided.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sudhakar and his family tresspassing our goshala and stoning sanyasis” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”14 Jun 2017″]Sudhakar and his family trespass the Trishulam Aadheenam Goshala, threaten sanysis and throw stones at them. They do not want hindu occupation of the land even though they are the ones who are illegal occupants.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Aadhi Nithyananda Peetam – Pavazhakundru Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Male and female Sanyasis (Hindu monks) Of Paramahamsa Nithyananda brutally attacked second time at Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]Male and female Sanyasis (Hindu monks) Of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda brutally attacked and abused for the second time this year at Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai – South India.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu Monks assaulted; deprived worship at sacred pilgrimage site Pavazhakundru, Arunachala” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]A place where lakhs of people pilgrim at least once in their lifetime is disrobed and damaged.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Multiple Life-Attacks on Hindu Monks at Chennai, South India” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Mob attacks Three Innocent Sanyasi’s at Pavazhakundru” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]Tiruvannamalai Pavazhakundru : A mob of 80+ rowdies came and attacked the 3 innocent sanyasis who were taking care of the pavazhakundru place. They try to attempt murder on a sanyaasi by pushing him to the ground and hitting him on his chest. They also used very abusive words on him and threatened them to move out of this place
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Large numbers of anti-Hindu forces attack Sanyasis of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, at Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]Anti-Hindu elements attack Sanyasis of His Divine Holiness Paramahamasa Nithyananda at Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai with the aim of stopping the Hindu temple related activities and expelling them from the place. Life-attack and large destruction to property.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Illegal Occupants Continuously Stone the Sanyasis (Hindu Monks) of Trishulam Through The Night” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Jun 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Second mass attack on Sanyasis (Hindu monks) at Nithyananda Peetham in Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Jun 2017″]Second mass attack on Sanyasis (Hindu monks) of His Divine Holiness Paramahamasa Nithyananda, at Nithyananda Peetham, Chennai, South India by anti-Hindu elements. Physical injuries sustained. Property and infrastructure destroyed beyond repair.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu elements yet again abuse the sacred Sadashiva Shila (sacred rock) on Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Jun 2017″]Repeated Attacks by Anti-Hindu Elements to our Sacred Deity– worshiped by millions of followers of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda – at Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attempted Rape and Murder of Female Sanyasi in Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2017″]Anti-Hindu elements attacked Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai. One of the attackers attempt rape and murder of a female Sanyasi during the attack. Endless trauma. Police Complaint lodged.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Second mass attack on Sanyasis (Hindu monks) at Nithyananda Peetham in Chennai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2017″]Second mass attack on Sanyasis (Hindu monks) of His Divine Holiness Paramahamasa Nithyananda, at Nithyananda Peetham, Chennai, South India by anti-Hindu elements. Physical injuries sustained. Property and infrastructure destroyed beyond repair.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sri Nithya Yogaswarupananda – Brahmachari Accused of a False Rape Charge” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2017″]The so called victim, begam is a woman whose husband name is anand. She gave false complaint against her husband for which he was upset, became drunkard. He is a auto rickshaw driver. He had kids. But since their life is pathetic, one day he attempted suicide, but was saved by divines grace. After that incident he started coming for spiritual healing, counseling.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-Hindu elements hoist false case on Sanyasi of Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2017″]Anti-Hindu elements attack and hoist false case on male Sanyasi (Hindu monk) of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, at Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, Chennai.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Benefactors of Hinduism- unite to retaliate against anti-Hindu social elements @ Pavazhakundru, Thiruvannamalai” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Jun 2017″]The unjust and illegal attacks being lashed out at sanyasis and devotees offering daily ritual offerings to their deity have not gone unnoticed by other Hindu Organizations operating in Tamil Nadu and other places, around the globe. They have voluntarily stepped forward to unite and oppose this malignant cancer which is growing rapidly and eating away the core of Hindu practices and lifestyle.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Illegal Arrest of Sanyasis for Doing Sacred Puja at Tiruvannamalai Pavazhakundru” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Jun 2017″]Even after multiple attacks of Anti hindu elements on Pavazhakundru Mahasadhashiva deity, the sanyasis continue to perform their daily sacred rituals. On the day they were offering abhishekam with milk and doing the puja. A few minutes later, police and press media personal arrived at the scene and started recording the sacred ritual on camera and televising it live.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”A Criminal Profile of Raja T. Vijaykumar: Conspirator against Thondaimandala Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”26 Jun 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Assault and Death Threats to Disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Kanchipuram” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”02 Jul 2017″]Sri KP Gnanamoorthi, a disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, is assulted by Hindu Makkal Katchi, with death threats deliveered to the pontiff of the ancient mutt of Thondaimandalam.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”TV Channels Issue Public Apology. Admit to copying and sharing falsified content from other vested interest media sources.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”12 Jul 2017″]TV Channels Issue an open Public Apology for Publishing False Baseless News About Anti-Hindu Attacks on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Adheenam and Temple in Chennai
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Kidnap and Torture: Media Propaganda Creates Hostile Situation in Kanchipuram” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”15 Jul 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Paramahamsa Nithyananda stands against cultural genocide in Anti-poonal case” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Jul 2017″]His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda lashes out against Hindu cultural genocide by DK members in the antipoonal case.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”False propoganda spread by Raja Vijay Kumar – Conspiracy by a group of vested interest parties” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Jul 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Monks assaulted, deprived to worship the sacred pilgrimage site 'Pavazhakundru' at Arunachala” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Jul 2017″]A case of cultural genocide, the sacred pilgrimage centre 'Pavazhakundru' drawing lakhs of people, desecrated and damaged by Anti-hindu forces, while the monks brutally assaulted.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Disciples Trapped: Attempt-to-Murder in Thondaimandala Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 Jul 2017″]Three disciples get attcked and held hostage in their own home within the Thondalmandalam aadheenam as attackers try to infiltrate the house in attempt to finish them off.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Misguided Hindu-Outfits Protest at Thondaimandala Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”04 Aug 2017″]Raja T Vijaykumar, the main assailant in all conspiracies against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Thondaimanadalam, staged a 2-day illegal protest against Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s disciples.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Another media – Top Telugu TV Admits to Reporting False Information about His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Aug 2017″]Disproving that voluminous media stories must be carrying some thread of truth in it, yet another online media – ‘Top Telugu TV’ Admits to Reporting False Information about His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”News Minute makes mockery of fundamental Hindu beliefs” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Aug 2017″]News Minute publishes an article on the falsified "sex contract" linked to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Explicit defamation and mockery of fundamental Hindu beliefs in which the Guru is highly revered. Wanton hurt of deep Hindu sentiments.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu Makkal Katchi (HMK) founder and leader Arjun Sampath declares public support to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in a turnaround of events.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Sep 2017″]Hindu Makkal Katchi – HMK – founder and leader Arjun Sampath declares public support to His Divine Holiness in a turnaround of events. He, who steered many attacks against Paramahamsa Nithyananda in the past, misled by the malicious morphed video that was spread against His Holiness, realized the real Truth behind His Holiness and publicly declared his party’s public support to His Holiness and said that they will not allow any attack on Him hereafter.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Obscene character assassination from Outlook Magazine on Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”11 Sep 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hindu Makkal Katchi (HMK) founder and leader Solai Kannan declares public support to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in a turnaround of events.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”21 Sep 2017″]Hindu Makkal Katchi – HMK- leader Solai Kannan who led many past attacks and opposition against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in the wake of the morphed video released against His Divine Holiness, came to the right understanding and gave a public apology. He further declared HMK’s strong support to His Divine Holiness
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”In the persecution against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Hindus are finally realising the cunning strategy of Divide and Conquer” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Sep 2017″]Hindu Makkal Katchi, a Hindu formation, understands the real Truth about His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and moves from opposing and attacking Him to apology and joining of hands.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Seeking Protection: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Requests the Court to Help Him Again Enter Madurai Adheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Sep 2017″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Hon’ble Court levies penalty of 2.75 crore INR on Child Rapist Vinay Bharadwaj – false accuser of Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”16 Oct 2017″]Already penalized almost half a million dollars in USA courts, convicted child rapist Vinay Bharadwaj, tried to escape the law by hoisting a false case on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The case backfired on him and he was fined Rs. 2,74,94,447.5 with an annual interest penalty of 9%
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attack on Paramahamsa Nithyananda by Indian media – manipulated reporting about morphed video” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Nov 2017″]Indian Media reports falsely on the morphed video FSL reports, continuing defamation and attack on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Sanatana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism)
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Presstitutes Exposed – Morphed Video on Paramahamsa Nithyananda never got submitted at CFSL Labs for Analysis” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”23 Nov 2017″]Official Information from Directorate of Forensic Sciences – New Delhi (Documentary evidences) gave a SHOCKING revelation that the scandalous morphed video of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was never even submitted at any of the Central Forensic Sciences Labs – CFSL – in India for Examination/Analysis. It has exposed and consolidated the role of Paid Media in the Organised Media Trial against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Sanatana Hindu Dharma
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Innocent Disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda Nearly Burned Alive” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”24 Nov 2017″]Sri KP Gnanamoorthy, a disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, was residing with his family in the ancient Saivite Thondaimandalam Aadheenam in Kanchipuram. Since 2015, they served the Pontiff to take care of his health, help run the Aadheenam and maintain the ancient practices of that mutt. However, vested interest parties and anti-social elements in Kanchipuram were a source of constant harassment, and go to the inhumane extent of brutal attempt to murder.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Court summons to Samaya News chief anchor Ranganath Bharadwaj and 2 more for criminal conspiracy against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 Nov 2017″]Ramanagara Court registers case and issues summons to news channel Samaya News, Ranganath Bharadwaj Chief Editor and Anchor of Samaya News, film producer Madan patel and self-professed activist Bhima Shankar Patil, for multiple serious crimes including criminal intimidation, intentional insult to provoke breach of peace, criminal conspiracy, acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention, and defamation against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Supreme Court Recognises Expert Evidence Exposing the Conspiracy behind the Morphed Video” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”07 Dec 2017″]The Hon’ble Supreme Court arrived at a logical conclusion that a number of significant documents favouring Paramahamsa Nithyananda had been wantonly suppressed by the investigating authorities and that proceeding with the trial without these critical evidences would be unjust.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”$5 Million judgement against Samaya TV by USA Court for defamation of His Divine Holiness Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”10 Dec 2017″]$5 Million USD penalty levied against Karnataka News Channel Samaya TV by USA Court for defamation and civil conspiracy against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda through telecasting false news about Vinay Bharadwaj, convicted child rapist, who conspired against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His mission.
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[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Factual Summary of Incessant Religious Persecutions on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”09 Jan 2018″]Presenting the factual summary of the systematic and incessant religious persecutions done on His Divine Holiness from the year 2010-2018 – with the accounts of the criminal conspirators, the first illegal arrest, second illegal arrest and the potency test, and more.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Main Conspirator Against Paramahamsa Nithyananda Charged with Rape” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”22 Jan 2018″]22 Jan 2018, Bidadi: The Principal District and Sessions Judge of Ramanagara issued summons to Lenin Karuppan, the complainant in the false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He is accused of a serious felony of rape of a member of the Scheduled Caste. and is to be tried in a timebound of two months. After investigation, The Hon’ble Court has ordered for the chargesheet to be filed against Karuppan for rape, wrongful restraint, criminal intimidation, and intentionally intimidating a member of a Scheduled Caste.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attempt to Murder His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Jan 2018″]On 27th January 2018, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and a few disciples were travelling by car on National Highway-4. Suddenly, 20 belligerent men formed a mob in front of the car in a serious attempt to lynch Paramahamsa Nithyananda and physically assaulted those travelling with him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Anti-social elements trespass, abuse and damage property, rob, and attempt murder” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Jan 2018″]On 28 Jan 2018, an aadheenavasi (resident) of Nithyananda Peetam, Chettur in Tamil Nadu, India was brutally attacked in his home. The intruders had a vendetta against him for being a devotee of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and threatened his life if he continued to live there. These anti-social elements trespassed, abused and damaged property, robbed him, and attempted to murder him.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sexual Assault to Humiliate, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda & Female Sanyasis of Nithyananda Order” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”28 Jan 2018″]While sacred celebration of Thaipusam was going on, sometime around midnight, a mob of more than 50 violent thugs, rode their bikes to the front of the booth, barricaded the entrance, and started to provoke the crowd against Nithyananda devotees.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Judge Orders Arrest Warning for addressing Paramahamsa Nithyananda as 293rd Pontiff (Madathipati)” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”29 Jan 2018″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”The serious consequences of DeepFake pornography” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”31 Jan 2018″]Early January 2018, internet witnessed an explosion in what has become known as deepfakes: pornographic videos manipulated so that the original actress's face is replaced with somebody else
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Basic Human Rights Violation: Police Forcefully Remove Two Monks from their Happy Monastic Life” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Feb 2018″]To dedicate their life to serving the world, two Hindu monks, Manoj, a 35 year old, and his 19 year old niece Nivetha, joined life at Bengaluru Adheenam (temple monastery complex). Disagreeing family and friends conspired to remove them illegally using the help of the police. The shocking series of events would be unforgettable and scarring to both of them for the rest of their life.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Heinous Crimes: Physical Attack, Sexual Assault to Female Monk & Temple Property Destroyed” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”08 Feb 2018″]Shocking religious terrorism accounts – Anti-Hindu elements commit heinous crimes on female monk peacefully serving humanity in temple monastery – physical attack, sexual assault and ruthless destruction of the sacred temple property
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Chennai High Court order prohibits Paramahamsa Nithyananda from entering spiritually inherited Monastery; aftermath of Media Trails, Fake Protests by Anti-Hindu Outfits” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”05 Mar 2018″]In a shocking event as an aftermath of anti-hindu false propogandas, the declared 293rd Pontiff of the ancient temple monastery, Madurai Aadheenam, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who inherits the lifetime responsibility of carrying forward the divine works prohibited from entering the monastery premises.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Lawyer Statements distorted to manipulate public opinion against Paramahamsa Nithyananda” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”17 Mar 2018″]News Minute – on a focused character assassination of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, distorts His lawyer’s statements.
[/icon_timeline_item] [icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sting Operation on Conspirators of Nithyananda Video Morphing-Chennai Judge orders Full CBCID Enquiry” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”27 Mar 2018″]In a stunning turn of events favouring His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, based on an audio recording of a sting operation and other evidence, Chennai Judge ordered a full expanded inquiry by the CBCID into the case of extortion, false allegations of abuse and morphing of ‘fake scandal video’
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Locked Out of His Own Home: An Erroneous Third Party Petition Bans Paramahamsa Nithyananda from Entering Madurai Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 May 2018″]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Nithyananda Scandal Video Proven Morphed – The Hidden Truth” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”25 May 2018″]An insider’s view into the most planned religious conspiracy – making of the in-famous morphed video on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, with the malicious intent to destroy him, his organization, his reputation
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Attempts to discredit His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda as 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”30 May 2018″]In a series of events, attempts were made to discredit and disqualify Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the 293rd Pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam, after He was decisively officiated as the spiritual leader. He was also forbidden to be addressed as the ‘293rd Pontiff’.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Why are Anti- Hindu Forces Intimidated By Nithyananda Gurukul!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jun 2018″]The head of Nithyananda Gurukul shares what His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda wants to offer to the humanity and why the Illuminati of Anti Hindu Forces is making our lives difficult
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Spiteful henchmen physically abuse monks, threaten residents of temple monastery” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”03 Jul 2018″]About 10 hostile henchmen barged into the temple monastery complex, beat the monks, harassed the residents, attempting to destroy the peaceful ambiance
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Growing up in the War Zone!!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]Nineteen year old adult, Sri Nithya Sundareshwarananda, who grew up in Nithyananda Gurukul learning from the the Avatar, His Divine Holiness Paramhamsa Nithyananda about how to live and enrich the lives of the whole world. He also learnt from the anti hindu forces how one should not live.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”A son recalls the trauma of seeing his Father being beaten brutally by Media Paid Anti Hindu Mob” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]Sri Nithya Brahma Sukhananda, who has spent almost his entire life blossoming in this beautiful spiritual environment of Nithyananda Gurukul, recalls how his father was attempted to be killed by the anti-Hindu forces who could not tolerate the revival of Sanatana Hindu Dharma under the guidence of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”When the whole World is celebrating Yoga Anti Hindu Forces are mocking it.” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]Sri Nithya Ishwarpriyananda, an allumni of IIT Kharagpur, describes the ignorance and disrespect anti hindu forces have for Hinduism and how the children of Nithyananda Gurukul were ill treated by officials of Women and Children Department. His daughter has been a student of Nithyananda Gurukul for over six years.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Sufferings of the Mother of a Girl Child!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]Ma Udaypriya, an IT Professional who suffered emotionally and socially because of the Anti Hindu Forces who tried to brutally malign the image of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda by starting a series of false allegations using the mainstream, print and digital Media.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”How a teenage Girl endures the stigma created by False Propaganda!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]How many ever lies the Anti Hindu forces try and spread in the society, a devotee who has experienced the divinity of the Guru will always come out unscathed from every obstacle unconscious society puts in the spiritual path. Seventeen years old, Ma Nithya Nanditha shares with us how she endured the pressures of society, family and friends.
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Respect an Avatar…Respect Sanatana Hindu Dharma!” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-text-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#de5034″ icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” time_link_apply=”title” time_link=”||” time_date_field=”18 Jul 2018″]Sri Nithya Ajarananda , a citizen of Singapore who at the age of ten came to India to learn the great truths of Sanatana Hindu Dharma from The Avatar, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He shares his sacred sentiments for Hinduism and the pain and hardships of living through the religious persecution.