The New Indian Express, a popular news media outlet in South India, with more than 3 lakhs of circulation daily, is actively at work on a smear campaign against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Setting all media ethics aside, this media house published an article presenting a one-sided story from the child rapist, Vinay Bharadwaj. Vinay Bharadwaj has fabricated a false story accusing Paramahamsa Nithyananda of unnatural sex just to cover up his felonies, namely child rape of a devotee’s child in Seattle. He was sentenced in US for the above said crime, fined by the US Court to pay $500,000 in damages for the false case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, fined Rs. 2,74,94,447.5 with an annual interest penalty of 9% in Mysuru Court for the false case against Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
The Hon’ble Court has observed the following:
“From 2008 through 2009, the defendant (Vinay Bharadwaj) misused his position and sexually molested and abused at least one minor child at the Seattle Temple. The defendant (Vinay Bharadwaj) learned that the minor child would not keep secret what he had done to her despite his manipulative attempts to silence her and that the family of the minor child was ready to bring him justice and the defendant started to lay the groundwork for a defense and developed false accusations against Sri Nithyananda Swami and his mission which are none other than the plaintiffs.”
How can the statements of such a person be taken into consideration and let alone published in a daily read by about 3lakh people daily?
And on the same page, there is another article mentioning about the press meet conducted by Lenin is published. The article alleges that few ashramites (residents of the monastery) disrupted the press meet. But that was far from the truth.. It was hired goons that infiltrated the press meet which caused disruption. (Read more about the incident and Lenin’s frivolous case here.)