Sri Nithya Dayananda
Sri Rishi Nithya Dayananda had his own food and beverage business in the heart of the city of KualaLumpur. He successfully ran his business for about three years. Following this, he was offered a jobin the United Kingdom in a renowned food chain of restaurants. He was also an active core memberin a non-profit organization called ‘Kala Premi” which promotes and revives Indian arts.
He first met His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda in December 2008 during a 21-day enlightenment-intensive meditation programme called Inner Awakening. He experienced a huge transformation during the program which encouraged his mother and his wife to also attend the program.
He joined the Ashram in July 2009 along with his wife and mother as a devotee.
“I came all the way from Malaysia to be part of Swamiji’s mission because I am so proud about it and I don’t want to miss a golden opportunity to live around an incarnation.”
On the afternoon of 24 February 2011 at about 3:00 PM, The CID (Criminal Investigation Department) and police forced their way into the premises of Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam (the monastery of His Divine Holiness).
Sri Rishi Nithya Dayananda was one of the people stationed at the gate. Since so many illegal entries by officials were happening, he was determined to record yet another entry without proper paperwork or permission. When questioned, the CID was getting belligerent and did not want Sri Rishi Nithya Dayananda to be recording. When Sri Rishi Nithya Dayananda did not let his camera down, the CID started to physically attack him.
After a visit to the hospital, Sri Rishi Nithya Dayananda was diagnosed with a sprained wrist and hand, needed a splint and was in a lot of pain.
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