The very first ‘Adhi’ Aadheenam was at Pavazhakundru, build for this purpose by Mataji Kuppamal (Matha Vibhutananda Puri), His Guru in Vedanta. In Pavazhakundru many worship the Sadashiva Shila, the Enlightenment experience rock, where His Divine Holiness had His first Samadhi Experience at the age of 12. The rock is worshipped as a deity, daily Sacred Rituals are performed and yearly the date of His enlightenment experience is celebrated here.
As much as His devotees and disciples worship the rock, so much have His opponents try to dishonor it. In innumerable occasions they have occupied this land, disturbed the sacred rituals and abused the enlightenment rock by throwing chapels on it. A very silly act actually, because dishonoring such a place one only does after acknowledging its Sacredness. In July 2017 Pavazhakundru was brutally attacked to the extent that the Aadheenam was completely destroyed and the deities had to be urgently brought to Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, literally no longer having a roof over their heads.
Pavazha Kundru – Spiritual Significance
Pavazha Kundru is a hill-top sacred spot on Arunachala, the Mountain-form of the primordial Hindu God MahaSadashiva Himself in Tiruvannamalai, South India, the birthplace of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Pavazha Kundru is the place where the Cosmic Mother realized herself as a complete synthesis of the male and female energies, as the Hindu God Ardhanareeshwara. The Ardhanareeshwara temple here marks this divine happening.
The profound experience of Advaita or ‘Oneness’
From almost age 3, Paramahamsa Nithyananda virtually lived in Pavazha Kundru exploring the ancient yogic sciences of Vedanta and Tantra with his Guru Mata Vibhutananda Puri.
In this sacred spot, with the complete understanding of her young disciple’s ‘incarnation hood’, Mata Vibhutananda Puri built for Him, the first ever Aadheenam (temple monastery complex)!
In 1989, when Paramahamsa Nithyananda was 12 years of age, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was sitting on a rock in Pavazha Kundru, contemplating on a technique of watching the source of His thoughts. It was twilight time of a full moon during the Tamil month of Vaikasi on the Vedic star Vishaka. As He sat, suddenly, something inside Him broke and He had His first powerful deep enlightenment experience through a 360-degree vision with eyes closed. Alongwith this profound experience He felt Himself alive inside everything around Him – the trees, the rocks, the sky, everything.
Activities and Worship at The Sadashiva Shila – the sacred rock
The rock on which this experience of Advaita or Oneness happened is called The Sadashiva Shila (‘Sadashiva’ means MahaSadashiva, the primordial Hindu God and ‘Shila’ means Rock) and is worshipped as a living deity by disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda all over the world.
Once the worldwide movement started, His Divine Holiness conducted meditation programs, pujas (ritualistic offerings), and satsangs (spiritual talks to large number of people) at Pavazha Kundru, fulfilling to the core His Guru Mata Vibhutananda Puri’s purpose for the place.
Disciples of His Divine Holiness offer sacred bath and puja to The Sadashiva Shila everyday till date. The anniversary of the Oneness experience, every year is celebrated as Nithyananda Purnima with large gatherings of people.
This experience of having the 360-degree vision and Oneness is what His Divine Holiness transmits to millions of seekers worldwide as the ‘Third Eye Initiation’, through merely touching and awakening The Third Eye energy center located between the two eyebrows. Through this powerful initiation, a plethora of spiritual powers manifest through each individual which includes blindfolded reading, ability to scan others bodies for detecting ailments and diseases, the power to track lost items by scanning through the Third Eye, the ability to download information from books without actually reading them, the ability to move matter with just the power of the Third Eye and so on.
Adi Nithyananda Peetham
This sacred spot Pavazha Kundru is the Adi Nithyananda Peetham – the first ever temple monastery complex established in the name of His Divine Holiness.
Year 1988 (approximately). These two photographs of Paramahamsa Nithyananda when he was around 10 years of age, have been taken by photographers S. Sethu and Kannayiram of Tiruvannamalai (whose notarized affidavit can also be seen here). This location is Pavazha Kundru where Paramahamsa Nithyananda used to stay, meditate and pursue spiritual practices with his Guru Mataji Kuppammal. The Ardhanareeshwar temple and the building built by Mataji Kuppammal for Paramahamsa Nithyananda at Pavazha Kundru can be seen behind him in the two pictures.
2006 – Huts and garden established in Pavazha Kundru uts and garden established in Pavazha Kundru
Paramahamsa Nithyananda inaugurates the building in Pavazha Kundru for yoga, meditation, anna daan, puja and spiritual discourses as per the ancient tradition of Sanatana Hindu Dharma , After the inauguration, arati is being offered inside the building at Pavazha Kundru.
1 Jun 2007 – Bramacharis and Devotees offer puja to The Sadashiva Shila – the enlightenment rock – worshipped as a living deity at Pavazha Kundru on the enlightenment experience anniversary Day. An Annual ritual.
Everyday after pooja the local people served Annadhaan