His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, as a Sanyasi (monk as per Sanatana Hindu Dharma, currently called Hinduism) from his early childhood, has dedicated himself wholly to the ultimate enrichment of humanity now and ages to come. A spiritual global leader and visionary, spreading the spiritual ideals of Oneness (Advaita) – that ‘Life is for others; and others are our own extensions’, He embodies the ideology for millions to awaken their self and selflessly serve humanity with unremitting responsibilism.
He has created one of the greatest movements of courageous, compassionate and selflessly responsible people on the planet through the monastic order called ‘Sanyas’.
1 Sanyasi initiated and trained by H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is spiritually powerful enough to eliminate collective negativity of a million people and raise the collective peace and positivity of the world.
uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya varān nibodhata |
kṣurasya dhārā niśitā duratyayā durgam pathas tat kavayo vadanti ||
“Arise! Awake! Wake up your Self and awaken others! Approach the great Awakened Ones till you awaken and manifest your Complete Self.
Sharp as the blade of a razor is that path, so declare the wise beings – long and hard to tread, and difficult to cross.”
Source scripture: Kathopaniṣad, 1.3.14
On the sacred land of Vedic India, have walked countless powerful ochre-robed beings who carried pure hearts of compassion and gigantic wills to selflessly enrich humanity.
They are the Sanyasis (monks) who called the world their home and walked door-to-door awakening people to the truth while healing and blessing them.
The whole of India has been built by Sanyasis who have been true leaders and pathmakers for humanity. Whether it is architecture, art, science, culture, language or peace and harmony, Sanyasis have contributed the best things to the world.
H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s vision for causing world peace and ethno-cultural reconciliation includes the revival of the Sanyas (monastic) order because in the path of Sanyas (monkhood) is found the very essence of peace, non-violence and selfless enriching of the world.
Parivrajaka – Wandering and Enriching India
During and after his monastic training, Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda has wandered as a spiritual mendicant throughout India. Regal in his austerity, his whole life turned over to the bounty of Existence, as a young mendicant, he covered thousands of kilometers on foot, visiting holy shrines, learning from numberless evolved souls and studying the need of humanity at the physical, mental and consciousness levels.
A lifetime of intense meditation, yoga, study, and austerities finally came to fruition in an explosion of Consciousness which revealed to him his phenomenal Avataric mission on planet earth.
His Divine Holiness walking the length and breadth of India.
The first photograph of His Divine Holiness, taken after the realization of The Avataric Mission. Place: Tiruvannamalai, South India
At age of around four, at Arunachala (the sacred mountain) cognizing Himself as a Sanyasi in his very depth.
His Divine Holiness at age 10, in front of The Ardhanareeshwara Temple Pavazha Kundru, Tiruvannamalai – his birthplace