Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami was a computer engineering student from Salem, Tamil Nadu. She had been raised in a traditional and orthodox Hindu family. Her poorvashram (pre-monastic) family managed a temple in their locality. She was brought up close to temples and had exposure to temple rituals even before knowing how to speak. Her poorvasrhram father is a respected, now retired, central government official.
After completing her education, she started having intense seeking to know the ultimate truth of life. So she started exploring and experiencing different Hindu practices. In the year 2007, she had her first darshan of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. She got inspired by Paramahamsa Nithyananda during the three months program she did in Bengaluru Aadheenam (Hindu monastery). It didn’t take her a second thought and she quickly made the decision of becoming an aadheenavasi (a member of the aadheenam and a part of the religious order). Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami is now a poorna sannyasini (full Hindu monk) of the Nithyananda order.
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami recalls her shock to see the TV Channels airing morphed video of Swamiji
“I still remember the fateful day of 2nd March 2010. Sun TV started airing a morphed video claiming that the video is of Swamiji. I was very shocked by that incident. I felt my whole world come tumbling down on me. It was really disheartening to see that someone can cherish so much vengeance on Him, that they would do something like that to Him. And I know 200% that the video was not true because I’ve been living in the ashram (monastery) and I know so many girls are living with me. The ashram environment feels so secure that I know it is much more secure than the cities I have lived in, like Salem or Chennai.”-Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami
On 2nd April 2011: The perverted tabloid Tamil magazine, Nakheeran published an article, presenting it as if it was a real interview of a young girl from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s ashram. In the article, the author had used his dirty-mind to describe the girl extremely vividly, including some physical features, and cunningly avoided mentioning her name. Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami got to know about the article after getting a call from one of her close friends who had read that defamatory article.
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami’s friend called her and told her, “I feel it’s you in the article they’ve published in Nakheeran.”
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami immediately got hold of an edition of the magazine. People would look at her weirdly if they noticed her even holding the Nakheeran magazine in her hands, so she had to do read it secretly. When she read the entire article, to her dismay, she realized that the entire article was using her real-life description and adding false stories on top of it, presenting it as if it was actually said by Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami. On top of that, they had added a blurred picture of an unknown model in the article in order to match her physical description – the author inteneded to make the article look real.
The articles by Nakheeran magazine
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami describes the article in her own words :
The article mentioned a girl from Salem, with her father a retired government officer and that she’s an engineer. First of all, there were very very few girls from Salem at that time in the ashram. And nobody else was an engineer or had a retired government official as her father. But what made me angry was, it had statements which I have never uttered. It said, ‘I don’t like Swamiji or His teachings or the way He runs this Aadheenam.’ Those were definitely not my words. And where on earth will a woman describe her breast or menstruations in an interview? Hailing from a traditional family, I can’t even imagine myself speaking anything of this sort, especially in public. I’m even mentioning it here because I wanted the world to know how low media can stoop just to get their magazines sold. The author had also used a picture of a female claiming that it is me. The truth is, that is not me nor in any way related to me.
I felt so depressed after seeing the article. I did not come out of my house for more than 1 month. I felt that my life is over and I’ll never be able to step out ever again as everyone would have gotten to know about the article by now. Only when I got to know that Swamiji is back in ashram after the illegal imprisonment, I felt relieved. I made immediate arrangements to come back to the ashram for which, my parents were very supportive.
When her poorvashram father learned about the defamatory article, he was very upset. As a father, he was worried about her safety and public image.
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami had to explain to him and didn’t let her mother know about the article. In the same way, her father also did not let her mother know about the article. Both of them knew very well that it would be extremely shocking for her if she knew.
All throughout the attack against Swamiji and against his mission, Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami’s parents supported her decision. Later Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami did tell the whole story to her mother. But in spite of all false propaganda created by the media, her parents sent her to ashram with their full blessings as they saw that the allegations by media were baseless.
When asked if her parents are supportive of her decision, Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami expresses her gratitude to SadaShiva, to be blessed with parents who are in full completion and support her decision of living the life of a sanyasi being guided by The Avatar, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda as her Guru.
Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami filed a case on Nakheeran for publishing fake defamatory articles.
Video Transcript:
I am Ma Nithya Gopika Swami. I am living in Nithyananda Dhyanapeetham, Bengaluru Adheenam. I am a poorna sanyasi (Hindu monk). Today, I am going to share a few thoughts and feelings about how I handled the 2010 persecution. Like we sanyasis, we women were living the 2010 persecution, how the media used the women sanyasis and wrongly projected and how they abused Swamiji, using these demon sanyasis and women as a scale. So, today I am going to record this video just to tell the world that one so-called yellow magazine called Nakkeeran, abused me personally, but cunningly avoiding my name. This happened after the persecution, on March 2nd, 2010, when the so-called Sun TV aired a morphed video on Swamiji.
The next month, April 2nd, 2010, this yellow magazine Nakkeeran published an article. He cunningly avoided my name but he presented an article which is a really disgusting one. A woman or any normal public, an individual can’t even read. That’s why he used to tell the article like it’s a soft porn article. You know why? They, in that article, I can’t even use words, it’s that disgusting, it’s like for at least one month I was really depressed. The article narrated the physical appearance of me and the article says like how I myself giving an interview to the magazine, which I never did and it didn’t happen in my life. In that article, they used a model, a blurred model image and they just showed it like me and narrating the whole story of mine, how that girl got abused living in the ashram which never happened. Because all the women in the ashram are still living here happily, we are safe, secure and we are enriching the world.
So the article says as if it were me narrating – all the incidents are like real incidents with false information. So taking all the real instances, they started giving all the false information with the real incidents. When a person, the public reads it, what kind of image will they hold for a woman in an ashram, a sannyasi? How dare they and it’s really disgusting publishing an article of a woman on her physical appearance. We have that article, you can refer to it and see how disgusting it is. Really for more than a month, I really felt bad even to show my face to public. It’s not just me: the article continues; the same kind of false information they projected about lots of other female sannyasis living in the ashram and giving all kinds of false information about them just to defame Swamiji, just to give a false information, a false propaganda.
They did a false propaganda. So I just want to record this, not just this yellow magazine, Nakheeran, I can see Sun TV, Nakheeran and all the media without knowing the real information, without even getting to know our… they really don’t want to hear the real facts from us. Nobody wants to know what happened and what are the real feelings of the women sannyasis what they went through but they started giving false information about Swamiji just to attack him. Everything in the articles, not only mine but also the other female sannyasis with further articles that continue, gave all false information. And all the media without knowing the real information.
And just for this false information, I filed a petition on Nakheeran, the court and other female sannyasis also have filed a case a complaint on him still it’s going on we know we’ll get justice but it’s really painful because that article, even normal women around there in the Tamil Nadu, they won’t ever get hold the magazine because it’s a yellow magazine and just holding it feels disgusting, that kind of magazine. Then something came out of me. Cunningly they avoided my name but something came. I got a call from a friend saying: ‘There is some wrong information. Can you please read that!’ I got the magazine somehow and after reading the magazine for more than a month I was depressed. And it did not happen only to me but to all the female sannyasis. They nicely cooked up their stories by themselves. As if we gave real interviews to them, and they projected and narrated the stories and gave all the wrong information to the public just to defame Swamiji, to make a false propaganda. Till now media avoids to get right information from us, how safe, secure we are and they don’t want to know the true facts. Their ultimate target is to defame Swamiji, until now. No media is supporting us and they are ready to false propaganda about Swamiji and his mission. That’s what I wanted to share in his video.
Thank you,