Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam is situated on a powerful Shakti Sthala (divine feminine consciousness energy) and can be considered a Hindu Heritage site. The important significance this land has for Hindus lies in the little-known fact that Devi Meenakshi stayed in this area after her coronation. One of her golden rings slipped from her hand while she was resting here during her search for Sadashiva.
Amidst hundreds of devotees, Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam was inaugurated by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda on July 30, 2008. With great hope and excitement, the local people gathered for this momentous occasion as it was the beginning of an important community canter, uniting the scattered villages in the area. His Divine Holiness had begun laying out plans for a hospital, Gurukul, full-fledged temple, meditation hall, organic farming and a general support and hub for the local communities.
Two other parcels of nearby land were donated and purchased by Nithyananda Peetham: Settur Aaheedam, consisting of 38 fertile acres ready for organic farming and Sambandha Puram Aadheenam, where sanyasis were conducting classes and healing sessions for the locals.
July 30, 2008 – Invitation for the Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam. His Divine Holiness is received by a large crowd of devotees who also performed 108 Guru Homas simultaneously to honor and worship Him.
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam – His Divine Holiness unveils the special plaque at the entrance of the Anna Mandhir. The kitchen which will prepare food not only for the residents of the Aadheenm but also given freely to the public.
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam: The Shakti Sthalam – The energy hub of the Aadheenam, where puja is offered every day. It is a very sacred site, radiating peace and healing to all those who meditate there. Later, atheist, anti-Hindu elements came and destroyed this gift to humanity, plowing over the whole site of trees, including the Shakti Sthalam (black stone deity on the left)
Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam: The Shakti Sthalam where the sacred Banyan tree has grown into a healthy tree. Soon after, the murderous henchmen hired by Sun Tv, destroyed this sacred site.
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Rajapalayam Aadheenam: Paramahamsa Nithyananda addresses the devotees in the first Satsang at the Aadheenam. He’s officially inaugurated Ananda Sabha where Satsang, programs and meditations will happen and the Deities were installed.
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Settur Aadheenam.
July 30, 2008 – Inauguration of Nithyananda Peetham, Settur Aadheenam – Traditional flag hoisting
Nithyananda Peetham, Settur Aadheenam: Organic Farming
In a string of pre-meditated, systematic attacks by Lenin and his violent group of criminals, yet another property of Paramahamsa Nithyananda was targeted in hopes to find Him there. This once beautiful Aadheenam and Heritage Site, where the revival of Santana Hindu Dharma was flowering, was ravaged, the sanctity destroyed and people’s lives were threatened. They wanted to find Paramahamsa Nithyananda, and when they could not, they tried to obliterate everything to do with His mission and the symbols of Sanatana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism) – including burying the sacred, consecrated deities, once worshipped by the community.
Top left photo: The anti-Hindu forces, Ganesh, Lenin and paid staff sent by Sun TV defiled the 2 deities, dug a hole in the hall itself and buried the deities there. They also burnt many silk saris and destroyed the jewels for the deities.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda performs arati to the Deities: Ambal Devi and Sri Meru, who were defiled, abused and buried under the floor as shown in the photo on the left.
In the top right photo, the criminals painted over the Kavi (saffron) colored building and sigh board. In the bottom, the plaque for the Aadheenam was ripped off.
Video: Sri Nithya Jnaneshwara Maharaj becomes emotional when he describes the destruction of the garden containing 1008 natural herbs that surrounded the Shakti Sthalam sacred site at Rajapalayam Aadheenam (in Tamil).
Below: CSR copy – Receipt from police acknowledging that they received the FIR.
Below: FIR copy – This is regarding the hired staff of Sun Tv threat to life attack on Sri Nithya Tattvabodhananda and protection sought…
Paid workers were sent by Sun Tv to find Paramahamsa Nithyananda – Inside this building was Sri Jnaneshwara Maharaj at whom these men screamed profanities, as they threw fire inside the room where he was staying, trying to kill him. He had to run for his life.
Conspirators removed the Aadheenam board, desecrating the name if His Divine Holiness, removed doors and windows, finally painting “GV Farm” (government farm) on the building
Damage done by Sun TV’s employees – here they lit a 2-wheeler on fire, destroying the vehicle
The conspirators sent the hired staff of Sun TV to find Paramahamsa Nithyananda, damaging property in the process – here they lit a 2-wheeler on fire, destroying the only vehicle the Aadheenam possessed.
In March 2010, Ganesh and Sun Tv’s workers destroyed the essentials of Settur property, making it unlivable: they removed all the doors, lightbulbs, burnt electrical supply box and filled the borewell (water supply) with rocks and steel rods. Sanyasis were forced to stop organic farming and residing there.
This is the remains of the hut in which 2 sanyasis lived, offering spiritual healing, programs and counceling to local villagers. The conspirators threatened their lives, saying they would kill them if they did not leave and destroyed their shelter.
Despite the heinous crimes against Sanantana Hindu Dharma and the intent of murder, this community of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s disciples has not lost their faith