July 4 2012: Santosh alias Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, a monastic member of the Nithyananda Sanyas Order, was under the spotlight in 2012. Due to a disagreement between his parents and him over his choice of living a monastic life, there were many media outlets that took advantage of this and extensively interviewed his parents. A sensationalised topic was created with loud false headlines such as “Nithyananda’s Sanyasi Held Captive”.
One India, having millions of online readers, neglects the basic journalism ethics and follows the same atrocity generation track, makes false statements that the monk disciple was detained in the Aadheenam (temple monastery). While Santhosh is an adult, well into his 30’s, who made his own decision to live in the Aadheenam as an initiated Hindu monk. A transparent attempt to demonize His Divine Holiness! They even make a completely unsubstantiated and irrelevant accusation, stating that drugs were being mixed into the “holy water”.
Irresponsible and unjust yellow journalism unchecked in India has been playing with immense power and crowd manipulating billions of perceptions. Due to hectic lifestyles and low attention spans, people are vulnerable to lap up whatever is slammed on them by the media.
Read more on how another low level conspiring media house – Suvarna TV influenced the pre-monastic parents of Sri Nithya Shantimaya Swami by incessantly publishing negative, hateful news about his reverential Guru, His Divine Holiness.
Here a copy of the court order is attached. Awaiting justice….