“People don’t understand the gravity of the crime that Vinay Bhardwaj committed. I faced seven years of complete depression and even considered suicide many times. But his crime was taken very seriously by the US government.
First of all, he was arrested in the highest security prison in the United States. In at least one of them, he was arrested in the same group prisons as killers and rapists such as “Ted Bundy” and the “Green River Killer.” “
Vinay Bharadwaj was penalized for rape ~ $1/2 Million USD and sentenced to 4.5 years of prison in the US. Similarly, in India, he was penalized Rs. 2.75 Crore. Indian media that sided with Vinay Bharadwaj to attack Paramahamsa Nithyananda were fined to a tune of $ 5 Million USD.
The total amount of legal penalties charged against child rapist Vinay Bharadwaj and his supporting media houses was more than $6 Million USD ( > Rs. 30 crores).