His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda filed a defamation suit against Suvarna 24×7 TV Channel at the JMFC, Ramanagara. The channel along with Mrs Aarthi Rao, the alleged rape accuser, has been waging a relentless vengeful slander and abuse campaign. The media channel has continued on misusing the privilege of having the public resource available to them.
The complaint notes that the channel is in contempt of the injunction order against Suvarna 24×7 TV Channel by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore, in W.P.No.33082/2004 (PIL), restraining the channel from televising matters under investigation and sub judice matters.
The City Civil Judge at Bangalore also granted an ad-interim injunction order in O.S.No.2336/2012 restraining the channel from televising any matter pertaining to the sub judice matter based on the complaint of Lenin Karuppan currently under investigation.
His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has therefore sought justice for the offences under Section 500 r/w 120 (B), with compensatory damages of Rs. 1 crore. The next hearing in the case is on 21st March 2013.