How many ever lies the Anti Hindu forces try and spread in the society, a devotee who has experienced the divinity of the Guru will always come out unscathed from every obstacle unconscious society puts in the spiritual path. Seventeen years old, Ma Nithya Nanditha shares with us how she endured the pressures of society, family and friends.
My name is Ma Nithyanandita, and I’m seventeen years old and I study in the Nithyananda Gurukul and I’m going into twelfth grade now and I joined here in the Aadeenham, in the Gurukul when I was just 13 years old and in 2013. And one of the main things like throughout my 5 years over here, this is my 5th year, more than what happened from inside, there was lots of support from the family for me to be here in the beginning but one of the main, like when I like when I joined here, I knew nothing about the religious persecution that happened or I knew nothing about what the media spoke about Swamiji, it was, I had completely no idea. I needed, I had no idea who Swamiji was. So after joining here experiencing powers, experiencing the truths that Swamiji told, like being in such a safe ambiance I really had a different experinece here so i had no wrong idea at all. But during 2013 I had few people suddenly come up and they were from the “Child Rights Association” or something like that and they started testing us. So they started asking different questions like a, I remember one person, it was in the night-time, we all were having our dinner and one person just walks up to me and I’m just 13 years old and I have no idea what happened to Swamiji but suddenly they just walk up to me and tell “oh you’re brainwashed to be here, right? You’re forced to be here!” I’m like “No” and that’s the first time I’m facing such questions in my life. and not just that, many times were being in the Nithyananda Gurukul even if it ‘s like studying, and relatives acceptance for me to be here, everything got affected because of various non-Hindu elements, anti-Hindu elements coming and media coming and asking questions. Like I remember we had to, we were suddenly asked to go back to our house for almost a month and my entire academies got affected that time and all my relatives they stared telling “oh see they are saying so much wrong about Gurukul, the media is talking so much wrong about Gurukul, what they telling is not true” then they want, they start pressurizing for me to come out. and my dad, i had to face, like my entire family had to face so many questions because they had some wrong ideas seeing the media and continuously there were calls, they were forcing me out of Gurukul and there was so many strong words that were being used and literally it was like there was a fight created amongst our family because of this and whenever I went whenever i went outside, especially when they saw me, as Swamiji’s when they see my facebook profile picture and when they see my profile and everything , when they know I’m Swamiji’s devotee the way people start asking “Oh you’re Nithyananda’s devotee?” and when I go outside and when I manifest powers and show also, there are many people who Critizie, the moment they know that you are a NIthyananda Devotee, they say “Oh you’re Nithyananda’s devotee” and they just walk off. For me, more than facing the words, kind of stress that they put on me at that time, because one part was where nothing of this was known, I didn’t know anything about religious persecution, so I had no effects of it but just being here, the, how many times we had to go through so many offices and I still remember when we went to the Child’s Rights Association office they sent, my parents had come along with me, so they fought with my Dad or something. When they were asking me questions they sent everyone else, so they asked me “Oh you’re a girl, are you being treated safely there? no-body is touching you or anything?” and I was like “I’m completely safe there”, “are you sure? is someone brainwashing you?”. No i was really clear there was nothing else more safe for me than me being outside here. But the way they were forcing some questions upon me and the way they treated, they were like “Oh you’re Swami has done this thing wrong. Do you know about the video? Do you know is your Swami forcing you to be there? and I was put in a very difficult question, who will any, anywhere, where will they question about the dress that I wear? I had so many questions that were put upon me, “why do you have to dress this way?why do you have to wear like this dress? why do you have to do, why do you have to wash your feet? wash your Master’s feet? is he forcing you? or is he making you do some child labour? are you sleeping? washing the dishes?” which is completely not true at all. but it was, just asking questions once for their clarification, to some extent is ok but forcing those questions upon me, it was almost like trying to make, convince me to say a yes for it. but were as it was not at all true and because of this the amount of media showing continuously wrong wrong things about Swamiij, the amount of questions that I had to face, the force, I remember my relaties and all came up to my, the place where my father was staying and they were like “remove them immediately out of the school and I had to sit and talk and convince them so much for that and there were so many fights that got created. and even recently about this a Piyush Manoush incident, where they spoke something wrong and when we went, they asked so many questions to us and the media came and they, we had to go and sit in the Police station, we had to answer so many questions, they had to, they asked us so many questions and we had to write so many forms, which are all, I felt were completely unnesecaary and the amount of questions that was put on us when even when it was not true. and`also whenever we go out, like recently we had Temple visits with swamiji, I see so many media’s put my photo and tell that “oh female devotee was with Nithyananda” and there were so many clippings of mine which were recorded and put when I was walking in the ShiRamgam Temple, when I was climbing the car and a group of us, the female Balasants were going and `I remember we had to almost run into our vehicles everythime we came out there was media because they were trying to constantly cover us and they were trying to constantly take photios of us, videos of us and put it. and same way`when we went to male court day we were in the care we were climbing and people , the moment they knew that swamiji was there they stared taking videos of Swamiji and we got into the car. I remember two of the media, the men, ran infront of the car banged the door and they were like “Oh come out, come out” and they were taking photos of us and “oh so Nithyananda’s visiting with all of you” and they continuously took photos of us, videos of us. and worst of all was when we were going to the airport there was one small some, there was one small problem that happened with the vehicle and they had one whole group that gathered around us, around our car. that just broke the car window and the entire the front part was completely, the windshield was completely cracked, they started breaking the front window and they came, they slapped our driver, they started recording, and when i was outside and I told “I’m a minor”, I had people who slapped me, who pulled my hand, who told “oh, why are you travelling here?what are you going to do?” and I had one huge crowd that came around and they physically they were pulling and pushing us, they came into our car, they sat inisde our car and they wanted to know who were all inside our car, they started recording us and we had and we had immediately news that came up in TV9 that told that Swamiji was travelling with us in the car, that was completely not true at all. it was only me and my Balasant, my Balasant friends, a few of us who were travelling to some place and they had, they took some random video clippings and they put immediately in the news channel that Swamiji was travelling with us and some big accident happened, which was absolutely not true at all. there are so many situations like this where continuously, even if you go to the airport, the moment they know you are a Swami Nithyananda’s devotee they delay, they don’t treat us with res, they don’t treat us like a normal human being, they immeditaly give us some look and they’re like “Oh is that video true?have you watched that?” but then that video is proven clearly false. if it is ok, if it is some big people it’s asked to I can accept, I remember they asked this question to my 7 year old brother, they asked him about sex tapes and all that which is completely, he doesn’t have any idea of what it is and they come up to him and ask”oh the video about actress Ranjitha, is it true?” and he comes back and asks me directly, “what is it?why they are all asking this question?” but for a child it is completely unnecessary and they tell, come up to him and tell, “oh your brainwashed to be there, you’re there because your sister’s are there and their forcing you, are they pressurising you to be there?” when they ask a question to know it’s ok, but they ask, they force the question upon us for us to accept. anyways when we know it is not true we don’t accept, but it, I feel it is such an unnecessary stress that is put upon us. one side whatever happened, the stress or the effect was never shown to us, Swamiji completely protected us but one more side, when we go outside to face people, face world, the way I cannot walk in the street normally with this dress, not becasue of kavi, `not because as a Sannyassi but because i am Nithyananda’s devotee. That’s exactly how peole start asking, they start mcoking at me, they start laughing, they say “oh you’re Nithyananda’s devotee” so there is so many situations where people just critise becaue I’m swamiji’s devotee and there are many incidents that this has happened like this where we go any, any place that we go to we are ill treated beacsue we are swamiji’s devotee and despite of knowing the fact that the entire video is just false and all this especially when we saw Swamiji in the wheelchair, how much of pain he had to go through, it was completely like unrequired and I still remember, it still affects me so much where I see that tape where Swamiji unnecessarily had to go through so many tests and he’s not even able to walk and he was moved into that wheelchair where he had to sit and come in the wheelchair, which I feel was completely not at all required and that, when that, ok they took so many recordings, so many tests and all that, that is ok but when that was proven that Swamiji was absoultely innocent, that, that did not come out in the media at all. I remember I had to sit and convince my relatives that this is the truth, this is the truth, whereas the media continuously projected only the false stories on Swamiji and this created lots of, especally lots of pressure on me to come out by my family and there were so many people who started critis, unnecessarily when I go out, as a woman I feel bad when people ask me about “oh `you’re a, are you safe there?” once they ask for their knowledge, yes I can say I’m very confident that I am safe here but when they force “oh do they not touch you here? or “do they not make you wear dresses like this? you don’t do this to swamjii or do they not make you do this?or are you given proper food?or no males come next to you?” I feel it is unneceassarily questions that are forced upon me. When they ask my younger sister, my younger brother unnecessarily about the sex tapes and and child abuse, which they have no idea about and when once they know clearly they have no idea about continuosly asking about that and there were lots of stress and pressure that was put upon us and that entire time, still if I go out, obviously now because of power manifestations and everything there are people who are understanding and who are good but even today my facebook profile picture is being cropped, or my facebook pictures, my pictures are being cropped and added with swamiji’s pictures and there are thousands of memes I see on facebook where my photos have been used. Which I feel is complete disturbing me because I, I have my relatives who come up, my friends, many different people when I go outside, they ask “oh see this meme came up about you” I feel that it’s absolutley un, it’s not required for me, just 17years old to face all of this , which is not true, if it is, if there’s something when there is something happening they are not questioning that but when something did not happen at all, when they create something out of nothing, where there is nothing, no evidence and they know everything is false they create so many memes, so many things using my videos, my pictures and creating so many memes and making it viral and all, all that created lots of stress and pressure in my family for them to pull me out and that is one of the hardest things at that I have to go through every time to argue back for them that this is not true. and like this there are various different things that keeps happening because of this media nd the false news that keeps spreading.