On 25 April 2010
(photo needs to be edited)
In this article, DC deliberately implies that His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a criminal who has evaded the US government. They have intentionally posted such fragrant lies without even an ounce of proof to disseminate hate and distrust among the public. Despite their implications being completely absurd, they are very much aware of the influence they have on their hundreds of thousands of readers and know they can easily polarize the public to be against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Hindu Gurus, in general. This kind of anti-Hindu propaganda has the sole intention of perpetuating religious discrimination.
They end by completely contradicting the entire article with the statement
“The CID is also tracking his victims. But, so far nobody has come forward to testify against the swami.”
If what they are claiming in this article is true and that there is a supposed signed “sex pact,” shouldn’t the CID already have a list of victims? Why would they need to track down victims? Deccan Chronicle has nullified the whole article with this one statement, proving they are simply running a character assassination of Paramahamsa Nithyananda to fulfill their agenda of religious discrimination.