The principles of life that Swamiji states through His books, videos, discourses and programs are crystal clear that there is no space for manipulation or interpretation. The spindle of life is only Integrity, Authenticity , Responsibility , Enriching and Causing.
Apart from Life Bliss Center Pvt. Ltd , the activities of other companies established in the name of Swamiji were completely against those principles. A few of these entities namely Nithya Maju Sdn. Bhd., Nithya Uma Agency and Nishma Food Agency that are related to food including non-vegetarian food which is strictly against the spiritual practices in the Nithyananda order, and pet food, which again is completely remote from the charter of Life Bliss Center or Nithyananda Sangha.
Upon being questioned by the Malaysian devotees and disciples, Loganathan and Kavitha rudely cut them off eventually outcast them in the local Sangha. It was to the horror of the Sangha of Malaysia to learn that their hard earned money that was meant to be offered to Swamiji to expand the mission in Malaysia was misused for establishing several private entity unknown and unrelated to the Sangha.
Loganathan and Kavita bought a Chicken Rice Shop and a Sizzling & Claypot Shop (both selling meat based food) through one of the private companies Nithya Maju Pvt. Ltd. They sold non-vegetarian food in the name of Swamiji, under the name “Nithyananda Home Food 2 U”. When questioned by a few devotees as to how he was conducting a business of non-vegetarian food in the name of Swamiji when it is directly against his teachings, Loganathan said that Swamiji had blessed this business!
Ironically, it was Swamiji who spoke at length as a key-note speaker during the 41st World VegFest conference held in Malaysia, on why it is important to be a vegetarian and on the benefits of vegetarianism. So it is a complete lie and breach of trust that Loganathan and Kavitha misused and dishonoured Swamiji’s name by using it to engage in activities that are totally against His teaching, and justifying the same using Swamiji’s name to unsuspecting devotees.
Nithya Maju Pvt. Ltd was established in 8 July 2013 , and two shops was purchased on 13 September 2013. The funds used was from Life Bliss Center Pvt. Ltd – two cash withdrawals made one day prior to the signing of agreement between the two parties (as image below).
Nithya Maju Pvt. Ltd established on 8 July 2013 as image below.
On 12 September 2013 – two cash withdrawals was made for MYR 15, 000 and MYR 14,500 each.
On 13 September 2013 , two agreements was signed for Chicken Rice Shop and Claypot Sizzling Shop under Nithya Maju Pvt. Ltd with the said amount of cash withdrawal done on 12 September 2013 paid.
Chicken Rice Shop Agreement Signed between Loganathan (Director of Nithya Maju Sdn. Bhd) and the vendor on
Chicken Rice Shop Agreement Signed between Loganathan (Director of Nithya Maju Sdn. Bhd) and the vendor.