Fact: June 9, 2012 Rao’s Father Openly Acknowledges Rao has STD on Suvarana New
While the false victim herself has to deny that she has any STD , (otherwise her whole claim would be thrown out), her own father admits to it in a program on Suvarana.
Reference : See Suvarana video Clip
SuvarnaNews_9Jun2012_11-43AM_ArathiRao father_clip2
11:43 : Are you (Nithyananda) trying to say what Patanjali has not said? What more can be added to Bhagwad Gita?
11:44 : My daughter’s confidence was destroyed. Initially I thought he had some weakness.
My friends called me and said that “ok forget about it, he probably had some weakness. He
himself has made an open statement.” “on the advice of some senior Hindu acharyas, I am going to the Himalayas to do prayaschita” Arati Rao’s father says he cried and felt sorry because he thought Nithyananda has acknowledged about his misdeeds and wants to atone for the same in by going into spiritual alienation.
11:45: After he came out of the prison he started putting so many cases. I felt that he will again get back to his old ways. In our Hindu Dharma, Sathya (Truth) and Dharma (righteousness) are the base.
Without this base what prosperity will you have, what enlightenment? (referring to Nithyananda).
11:47: If the problem had come to me I could have handled it as I am balanced, but my daughter having done that is going to have eternal problems.
I told her not to be associated with him (Nithaynanda). She said that she was contemplating suicide after the disgrace that had happened to her. That is when she came across some journals on cults and cult behavior. One side good things happen and on the other side psychological slaves are created.
11:48: After coming outside, she wanted to bring awareness about what’s going on inside so that other families are saved. Arati rao said to her dad, “I lost my career, peace of mind, money, but atleast if one person is saved, I will feel my sacrifice is worth.” She is very courageous to come out in the public and say that she was exploited for 5 years. Nobody will have that kind of courage
11:49 : Till I went to America, I trusted Nithya. When I discussed with my daughter about the scandal and said who will come out talk against the Swami, I shocked when she said, “your own daughter is a victim!” I said, “ you could have remained silent and cheated on your husband and your parents, but you valued SATHYA (Truth). Since you said that you are ready to face anything, I said to her, “I am honored to have you as my daughter”
I told her to think it over again as she is a lady. Such things happen in mutts. They will first resort to character assassination.
11:50: Will you able to bear with the character assassination? She said, “Dad I have nothing left to lose. I am just a dead body”.
Arati rao: I am living just to spread the message. Let my life be a message to others. Even if one
person thanks me, even if one person expresses gratitude for what I have come out and done, the purpose of my life is served.
Our lawyers advised us saying that it is still not late. Go and fall at his (Nithyananda’s) feet and strike a compromise.
11:51: She said nothing doing, no compromise. He (Nithyananda) may have destroyed my body, all that I valued he has destroyed, but this one value he can’t destroy.
He can’t destroy my will and spirit, and I will face it. She also said to me, “let me know if you have any issues. I will stay somewhere else”. I said , “oh my daughter you have saved us indirectly. You have saved many families. Many people have called up and said that our family, our life is saved.
11:52: They are filing false cases. Recently also they have filed a case. It is disgusting, but one thing, that disease, I checked up with doctor. I knew about my daughter’s disease in 2005 itself. The doctors said it is not any big disease. I was scared because it was supposed to be STD (sexually transmitted disease). Doctors said, “Sir do you know that 80% of the people have this disease. It is dormant and for many years people may not even know that they are having that disease because the symptoms may not be there.
Then, in August U.S Courts ordered for her medical records because they were necessary for further investigation of the false victims allegations against Paramahamsa Nithyananda. When they were uncovered by University of Michigan, they revealed her having 4 chronic sexually transmitted diseases that are extremely contagious, through skin-to-skin contact not just through bodily fluids. In August 2012, Rao’s extremely detailed medical records were provided by the University of Michigan as per a Court order.
Reference: Show Court Order for Records
Reference: Show Records Authentication Page ‘
But after this was shown and established her the court, on September 29, 2012, the false victim denies having STD in an interview with September . It’s obvious that she had to do this because otherwise her rape allegations against Paramahamsa Nithyananda are completely defeated.
See the following video for her claims: