Video Transcript:
Brutal Attack on Hindu Monks
{shouting in Tamil}
Sanyasis and Aadheenavasis of Nithyananda Order at Nithyananda Pheetam, Trishulam Aadheenam was attacked once again on the morning of June 18, 2017. Attempting to murder and rape the aadheenavasis (monetary residents), completely destroying the property of Nithyananda Peetham, Trishulam Aadheenam, these anti-Hindu elements and rowdies with their families threw huge rocks into the parameters of the Aadheenam, severely injuring the aadheenavasis.
Our property, worth lacks, was completely destroyed. The sacred temple housing Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva, Nithyanandeshwara Adishakti and Nithyananda are defiled and also a criminal name Sundhar attempted to rape one of our sanyasis with about 50 of such anti-Hindu elements led by Krishnan and family, Sundhar and Indhrani who have been illegally occupying hill ran riot at this sacred temple and these aadheenavais who have set the there foot into the campus with the sole mission of operating the vision which Paramahamsa Nithyananda had for Trishulam Aadheenam which is offering the community a hospital and a temple. The Hindu mission of Nithyananda Sanga, founded by a Hindu Guru who is established in over 80 countries with the sole mission of reviving Hinduism along with His aadheenavasis today have been brutally attacked with the attempt to murder, attempt of rape, destroy our temple, destroy our lakhs worth of property, beaten up our sanyasis, throwing stones and trying to kill them. This is the sad state of Hinduism in India especially in Tamil Nadu, there is no effort to protect its rich spiritual heritage that completely destroyed by terrorizing anti-Hindu elements.
Rowdies Trying to Wipe Out Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His Disciples.
Nithyananda Peetam, Trishulam Adheenam (a temple and monastery complex) in Tamil Nadu, South India was inaugurated by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 9 July 2007 on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima. The land, that the complex is on was donated by an ardent, long-time devotee of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mataji Annapurani Veerappan. However, parts of the land were illegally encroached upon by anti-spiritual and anti-Hindu elements who joined hands with other anti-Hindu elements against the Sanyasis (Hindu monks). As a result, a series of planned attacks were hurled at both the male and female Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order. The attacks increasing in the degree of intensity and cruelty every day, in an attempt to illegally expel them from the land. The helpless, unaided, vulnerable sanyasis remained persistent in their efforts in filing police complaints to ensure their safety against the attackers at the local police station.
Stoned and threatened for life!
Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami, a Poorna Sanyasi of the Nithyananda Order and grand-daughter of the land donor, started religious and spiritual activities in Trishulam Aadheenam in the month of May, 2017. Since the beginning, the land encroachers were agitated by the chores of the sannyasis on the land, and constantly scrutinized their activities.
On June 16th, 2017, the land encroachers attempted their first attack. They threatened the sannyasis and attempted to drive them out of their own land. With criminal intent, they destroyed the surveillance cameras by so that NO evidence of the attack and atrocity is recorded and legal actions cannot be taken against them. Big boulder stones, metal rods, and wooden logs were thrown at the residential units of sannyasis collapsing every residential unit leaving the sanyasis with no shelter.
Mataji Annapurani Veerappan: Donor of the land where today stands Trishulam Aadheenam.
Mataji Annapurani Veerappan had a vision. She wanted the land to be used for service of the society, for dharma, for Shiva-Seva. Little did she expect that one day her grand-daughter would be fulfilling her dreams through the blessings and guidance of Sadashiva in the physical form, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, as their guru.
After the quarry business came to an end, the land was left unused for two generations. During that time, Mataji Annapurani Veerappan continuously thought of using the land for Shiva Seva. However, her intention was never granted until two generations later. Finally, she met her guru, the Avatar of Sadashiva Himself, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. She immediately became a part of His mission to serve humanity.
In the year 2007, on the auspicious day of Gurupoornima, Mataji Annapurani Veerappan fulfilled her lifelong dream and wholeheartedly offered this land to Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Guru Poornima is the day Guru accepts bhiksha into His own arms and thus burns all the karmas of the disciple who is offering. With His blessings, she donated the land to serve His mission in reviving Sanatana Hindu Dharma to give the ultimate superconscious breakthrough to humanity. The land was to be used exclusively for enriching humanity in multiple ways, by building an aadheenam, a temple, a hospital and a gurukul.
Meanwhile, the land left unattended became a dump yard and a pathway
Because the land was left barren and unattended for two generations, encroachers slowly started grabbing parts of the land. Anti-social elements and thugs of the area began using it as a place to hang out. As a result, it was severely abused, becoming a dump yard filled with human feces and garbage.
On the other side, some of the local villagers had built houses across the mountain and wanted to use this land to go up the mountain. Sri Veerappan Chettiar was kind enough to give a huge chunk of land for villagers to use as a pathway. Villagers were delighted and slowly the number of houses across the mountain increased to about 40 houses.
However, the illegal encroachers started to usurp the pathway land, making the pathway too narrow for any vehicle to pass or even to walk. Soon, they used this as an excuse to grab more land from Sri Veerappan Chettiar and started using the entire land as a hangout location, pathway, and dump yard.
Sri Veerappan Chettiar and Mataji Annapurani Veerappan’s granddaughter, like them, was a devout disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Life eventually blessed her into the path of sannyas, changing her name to Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami.
Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami was the head of the Publications Department at Nithyananda Peetam. In 2017, she was given the chance to go to Trishulam Aadheenam and start the aadheenam and gurukul construction project, fulfilling the dream of her grandmother that one day the land be used for Shiva Seva.
In 2017, Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami came to Trishulam Aadheenam. At that time, there was one crumbling hut, which needed to be rebuilt.
Because it was the summer season, May-June, it was unbearable scorching heat under the scorching sun. The sannyasis working on the revival project were living inside steel containers which was like an oven cooking them in the hot sun.
As Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami recalls,
“It was like living in fire.”
They wanted to fix the thatched hut. Once they began working on fixing the thatch, two men came to the spot and began to argue and hurling abuses on the sannyasis. Eventually, they called out for more people, their supporters and started creating a commotion. Finally, the police appeared at the scene and dispersed the anti-social elements and gundas.
Trishulam Land Documents of Sri Veerappan Chettiar
Witnessing the enthusiasm of the sanyasis who came to revive the land and construct the aadheenam, the land encroachers and anti-social elements feared that they could lose their illegally acquired land soon. As long as the sannyasis stayed in the burning hot steel containers, they did not care. However, when the thatch laying started, they were no longer comfortable, seeing it as a threat to their illegal occupation and use of the land.
One round of clean up was done and more residential containers were brought and installed inside the land.
One fine day, on 16th June 2017, during a casual morning, when everyone were in their respective places, in the office and in the residential containers. Ma Bhaktikananda Swami was eating fresh, hot idlis and chutney, sitting outside the containers, when suddenly a big stone fell directly in to her plate inbetween the idlis and chutney. Before she could cognize what happened, the whole scene became a war-front! They were attacked!
Sharp stones, huge rocks, and sticks were thrown. Everyone ran inside the containers to protect themselves, some only having minimal protection without internal locks on the doors. Everyone sat quietly inside the containers, fearing what was happening to the other. However, they could not search for each other, as they would be putting their lives in danger. Nobody knew if the others were injured, kidnapped, or even alive. They just silently waited for the attack to mellow down, not knowing when it will end.
All the surveillance cameras werw crumbled and crushed to pieces so that no recording could be saved for use. Fortunately, they destroyed the cameras and not the hard-disks. The attack lasted for 45 minutes continuously, stopping only after the police arrived.
For two days, it was completely silent. The normal routine continued.
On 18th June 2017, another attack started.
The encroachers incited more people against the sannyasis by misinforming the villagers that they were planning to use the JCBs to close the pathway thus limiting their access to the mountains. However, the encroachers were only able to create incited enmity, not real enmity.
The larger mob attacked violently by hurling large boulders and sharp iron rods led by the local mafia. They physically assaulted female brahmacharis (Hindu monks), ripping apart their blouses, tearing their sarees, molesting them, and attempting rape.
The scene was indigestible. Screams. Tears. Blood.
Right now at the Trishulam aadhenam ,we are going thru a brutal attack by local rowdies and instigated by Krishnan,Indrarani.These local rowdies who are Victor ,Sundar who all doing it illegally and have encroached our land and completely smashed our office,temple.The stone size is enough to kill somebody.
`We are bleeding,the stones hit her head’ .
`These is plan murder attack brutally on sanyasis.It is a plan attack’.
When the first attack started, I heard yelling outside,then one woman came across the door and yelling in Tamil.When she saw me,she yelled `Hit here.Make sure ,you get them’ and that is when the first stone came and hit the glass and completely hit across me and the glass hit my face and scratched my face and here you can see.I ran across and we all stayed in the hiding spot for at least 1 hour.We just having our breakfast and continuing our work peacefully when from nowhere,they started attacking us.
Not only that ,when they knew where we were hiding,they started throwing big stones where we are.They even try to get the exact corner where we are,where we were hiding trying to save our lives. These at least happen for 1 hour.Just in silence,rock is hitting us.
As other devotees helped the injured and abused female brahmacharis, media men shamelessly recorded the incident, completely violating their personal space and dehumanizing their experience. Above all, several media channels, who had a history of attacking Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His sanyasis in 2010, twisted the facts and published several false, defamatory stories.
The media claimed that the land was encroached by the sannyasis, though the legal ownership of the land has been with the aadheenam and its devotees since 1958.
The media made several other false baseless claims and clubbed the news with the Pavalakundru attack, attempting to slander and destroy the organization and its sannyasis. Because of such malicious coverage and suppression of the truth, it was extremely challenging for the organization to get justice.
Police complaints were registered against the attackers and the sannyasis were provided with police protection for one month. Devotees and volunteers came from all over Tamil Nadu to support them.
A devotee came with a JCB, with the driver driving for 48 hours continuously, not feeling an ounce of tiredness. It was mystical. The devotee recalls how he felt it was Swamiji who was actually driving the JCB. The driver himself said he had never worked so much in his life and yet felt so alive.
Quickly, a compound wall was constructed around the aadheenam to stop the trespassers from entering in to the premises The police stood to protect the land the entire time the wall was being constructed. Despite all the abuse, more land was given to the villagers to expand the pathway that had narrowed their pathway due to the encroachment.
Villagers who had sided with the encroachers were fooled by the atrocious literature generated about the organization by the anti-Hindu media and lies spread by the encroachers, gundas and other anti-social elements. When they saw that an additional part of the land was being allocated to the villagers, they felt extremely ashamed of their reckless actions. They realized that they fell prey to the conspiracy by the paid media and anti-Hindu elements against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His organization.
As a part of the lifestyle, every person in the aadheenam is expected to attend the daily morning routine which includes puja, yoga, and morning Satsang. As Ma Nithya Atmapriyananda Swami was posting the pictures of Trishulam Aadheenam yoga attendance, she suddenly noticed something extraordinary.
On 5th July 2017, at exactly 4:05 am IST, Paramahamsa Nithyananda appeared physically in Trishulam aadheenam while the sannyasis were busy practicing their daily yoga. Ma Nithya Atmapriyananda Swami was taking photos but only noticed that the photo was not an ordinary one when she was uploading the file. They very clearly observed Paramahamsa Nithyananda in the photo. He was present there through one of his subtle bodies. With long jatas and vibhuti, exactly as He appears in the physical form. They realized that He was and will always be with his devotees and sannyasis guiding them, taking care of them, protecting them.
Though a few media houses apologized for slandering and misrepresenting the Nithyananda Sanyasis, the damage o\in the public front was already done. This kind of atrocity literature is what desensitizes public to atrocities against Hindus and Hindu monks.
“They may throw stones at us, we will pick the same stones and make aadheenams out of it.”
– His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda