16 June 2017
The sacred ‘Pavazha kundru’, a small hillock which is part of the sacred Arunachala Hill in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai(world renowned temple town), Tamil Nadu, India holds extreme spiritual importance in Hinduism. It has the famous Ardhanareeshwar temple in its peak. In it is located the sacred rock on which His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has His experience of enlightenment at age 12, making this place a sacred living Deity for Hindus around the globe.
The sacred pilgrimage site, Pavazha Kundru is desecrated and damaged by a large, sinister force of anti-Hindu groups that seek not only to obliterate Paramahamsa Nithyandna but all traces of His legacy and mission. They will attack anything from the sacred, divine places and items of worship to human lives; it makes no difference to them. Their aim to remove Hindus from the face of the earth knows no bounds.
On the 16th June 2017, one of the brahmacharis (Hindu monk of the Nithyananda Order) Sri Nithya Parabrahmananda Maharaj, was offering worship at the rock when anti-Hindu elements accosted him with no warning whatsoever and brutally beat him up. These anti-Hindu elements alongwith the support of vested interest media, alleged that Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, worldwide movement of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was encroaching into the area. The reality is, Pavazha Kundru, being a part of the Arunachala Hill, and Arunachala Hill being Lord MahaSadashiva Himself as per the history of Arunachala as told in the sacred verses of the ‘Arunachala Purana’, and as per laws also (dating back to the pre-independence era), enjoys the protection that nobody can actually encroach it. Worship was the only thing the brahmachari did. Since the entire Arunachala Hill is a deity, it is natural that worship will happen and especially to the rock where Paramahamsa Nithyananda had his first enlightenment experience. Such unheard atrocities against Hindus and that too in Arunachala where every stone is worshipped as MahaSadashiva.
Our beloved guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda , was born and brought up in the beautiful temple city of Tiruvannamalai. He was spiritually brought up by great yogis and masters like Raghupati Yogi, Mataji Vibhudananda Devi (Kuppammal), Isakki Swamigal and Sadashiva himself as Arunagiri Yogishwara.
Mataji Vibhudananda Devi guided Paramahamsa Nithyananda in the enlightenment path of Tantra and Vedanta. She was an elderly lady supporting and guiding Paramahamsa Nithyananda at a very young age when he was a teenager. She passed away around that time. She set Paramahamsa Nithyananda on his spiritual journey equipping him with the right knowledge and the right cognition about himself and life.
She even went to the extent of making the first building for her beloved disciples.
(Left-Top)Young Paramahamsa Nithyananda with his guru Mataji Vibhudananda Devi (Kuppammal). (Left-Bottom) Mataji Kuppammal sitting on the Pavazhakundru rock. (Right-Top) Young Paramahamsa Nithyananda sitting on the rock. (Right-Bottom) Mataji Kuppammal with her house on her legal property.
Mataji used to often sit on a rock and meditate here.
And so did Paramahamsa Nithyanandamiji.
Our guru,Paramahamsa Nithyananda, had many mystical spiritual experiencing while just sitting and meditating on this rock. We have several nostalgic memories of the place. For us, the rock is a sweet place of worship where we connect, nostalgically with the divine and romance in the memory of Arunachala and the early spiritual life of our guru,Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
To an outsider, it may appear as a simple rock, on which we see a few masters sitting. The spiritual legacy, we, at Nithyanandapeetam have with the place, dates easily more than 50 years. Since our guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda himself is aged around 40, and Mataji herself was quite old during that time. And we had an unbroken connection with that place. Even after attaining enlightenment,Paramahamsa Nithyananda continued visiting and revering the place, the spot with deep gratitude, and so did the devotees.
For Nithyananda Sangha, it is our Guru’s door to enlightenment. On that particular day,Paramahamsa Nithyananda went to the foothills of Arunachala Hill in the evening to this very coral hillock called Pavazha Kundru where he had his enlightenment experience. It is on the same rock that Devi Parvati did tapas and became enlightened, so it is a very powerful space and has a profound connection with spiritual energy.
For Hindu community in the area, the sacredness of Arunachala is equivalent to a deity. The whole mountain itself is garlanded as a deity out of love and sacred sentiments outpouring. The unbroken ancient tradition we have in Tiruvannamalai is, it is said and experienced that Sadashiva makes himself available to his devotees in three forms: As the deity in the Tiruvannamalai temple, as the Arunachala Hill, and as the enlightened master guru, currently Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The previous enlightenment master declares his successor before passing away, andParamahamsa Nithyananda was declared so by the previous living enlightenment master. The hill is extremely sacred to us.
And even today, we continue to pour our reverence and gratitude to the source, divine cosmic energy and offer our gratitude and sacred sentiments to this holy place.
We have been offering puja to the rock regularly on that very spot since a very long time, continuously.
Once a month puja has been easily being offered to this place continuously for not less than five years. And daily puja has been offered to this place for more than a year.
So what suddenly happened that a rock, which has sacred sentiments attached to it for the Nithyananda Sangha, suddenly became such a big dispute that anti-national, anti-Hindu forces are threatening to blast off the rock?
Traditionally Arunachala is so significant that there are organizations looking into preserving it and consider that UNESCO should consider it. World Heritage Site status which will also boost the spiritual and cultural tourism activity, give employment to the locals, prevent ecological destruction and restrict illegal construction and occupation as now it is happening.
On the 16th June 2017, one of the Brahmacharis of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Sri Nithya Parabrahmananda Maharaj, was brutally beaten and physically assaulted at this very sacred place. His only crime was he was organizing the place to offer his sacred sentiments to the rock, as he and his fellow sannyasis and Brahmacharis had been doing for a long time.
Otherwise, Sri Nithya Parabrahmananda Maharaj would be typically seen on the very hills for the purpose of planting trees, doing afforestation work, and doing puja.
Refer : https://www.facebook.com/adhi.nithyanandapeetam/posts/143642152848468
So what happened that a few sannyasis who typically engage in puja and enriching the environment faced such a brutal fury of some anti-national, anti-Hindu, anti-social elements?
The devotees had been offering puja at that place for more than a year. It was an unbroken tradition. So for no reason to miss the puja, the very next day, our bold sannyasis went again to do offer their puja.
For doing puja in a holy place, land ownership or any necessary documents are not mandatory. On top of that, the sannyasis had all police clearances and permission from local authorities to do puja in that very place. The land has been in legal possession of the Nithyananda Sangha since past 25 years.
Slowly with time, the place has been encroached by rowdies, alcohol addicts, anti-national, anti-Hindu, anti-social elements. Some of them are might be converted Christians. Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami, who goes there almost daily to offer puja, reported, that a statement was issued by the local vested interest groups. The goons there have sunk too low to throw stones at female sannyasis while they are offering their puja. They gang up in large numbers like approximately 50 and watch over as the female sannyasis offer their puja.
Video Transcript :
At Pavazhakundru, in Tamil Nadu, a group of sanyasinis (Hindu holy women) of the Nithyananda order were peacefully conducting a prayer service when the unthinkable happened: local men destroyed their humble temple, a tatched hut, and began vandalizing their moorthies. “They were caling us unthinkable names, spitting at us and threatening rape. We thought we were saved when the police arrived, but insted of protecting us from these thugs, they actually joined them!” A teary eyed Ma Nithya Deepikananda Swami recalls. “One officer tried to grab a moorthi of Devi out of my hands, and when I protected the goddess, she manhandled me. My sisters and I were treated like criminals, but we were the victims!” Due to the false stories published in paid media against their guru, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this kind of atrocity is not uncommon to the kind women who have made it their life’s mission to spread the sacred practice of Sanatana Hindu Dharma with the world.
Source – Thanthi TV’s video (viewed >100,000 times) –
Sri Nithya Pranananda swami Explaining how he has faced this abusal of Religious Persecution
When we started doing 6 time puja every day, there a group of anti-social, anti-Hindu elements headed by the Veerabhadran and his rowdies, regularly they used tom come and attack us. Why you know they used this very place to drink alcohol and do drugs and have the womens and do all sorts of activities in that place. We want to protect the sacredness of that place so we contentiously are being there and doing the puja.
We have the official documents in our name, Swamiji’s name. They came and attacked us and gave false complaint against us that we are trying to grab the land but the truth is we are there to do our spiritual practice of 6 times puja and continuously do our social service activities. So we actually doing our activities is our right on our land but Vida Badran and his rowdies try to project negative message in the media saying Nithyananda Peetham trying to grab that land…we have so many properties all over Tamil Nadu and don’t need to grab from Government or anyone else.
We are there because it is sacredness for us because Swamiji got the first enlightenment experience at that place. When we were attacked by Veerabhadran and his rowdies, we went to the police to give the complaint but they did not take any action in turn. During the second time after the Veerabhadran and rowdies came and hit all my core sanyasis and who got big hurt, and they were hospitalized, after hospitalizing the police came and we made complaint also after giving complaint there is no action taking against Veerabhadran still we are waiting to receive justice from police and government…already the government gave documents. The whole area in Swamiji’s name and still we are not able to do our spiritual practice in that land. Wanted to share what Hindu Sanyasis are going thru and how we are not able to do spiritual practices in our own place. Waiting for the justice to be done. -Testimonial by Sri Pranananda Swami
Many concerned people in the sangha have voiced concern regarding the safety of the sannyasis, especially the female sanyasis after the above video was published by the media.
During the conversation with Ma Satyajnana Swami, it seemed as if, it was not that female sannyasis needed protection, in fact, they were protecting the male monastic members of the sangha.
The situation is such that, the crowd of 50-60 people who had surrounded the place, if they see any male member of the Nithyananda Sangha in that area, even attempting to offer puja, they would beat and brutally assault that person just like they did to Sri Nithya Parabrahmananda Maharaj.
Our female sannyasis carry, such a space of a cosmic mother, that when they pray, their sacred prayers carry the energy to bless even these abusive, violent, rowdies, and they stop taking alcohol and causing nuisance after being misguided by anti-Hindu elements becoming one of them.
So it is no surprise that our female sannyasis are still able to do their daily pujas, in-spite of such a crowd hooting, shouting, throwing stones, standing there as vultures.
The police had avoided providing protection to these, citing lack of constables. They, however, have committed to provide a few by Monday.
When Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami was asked, how she feels about it, she said, “Since so many years we are doing puja. Past one year daily we have been doing puja. So far no problem happened. I don’t want to miss puja so I will come tomorrow again, even if the Police is not there.” When praised for her bravery, she laughed.
Innocent, simple, bold, fearless sannyasis like Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami, might laugh. But this is not a joke. Now, these people might be holding back and not attacking the female sannyasis, but this cannot be guaranteed. This incidence is not in isolation. More severe attacks were made to our sannyasis in our Chennai branch and we have a long history of many such attacks which has happened on Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and Hindu sampradaya.
There is a tradition in Hinduism, that sannyasis don’t pick Shastra (शस्त्र weapons) during certain time periods of the year and study the Shaastras (शास्त्र scriptures). Foreign invaders would specifically attack during these times and destroy generations old monastic legacy. Still our secular, pigral, pseudo-intellectual paid media curses and vomits over our sannyasis and projects them in a bad light even for this incidence.
Sadhus like Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami don’t worry about the media, they may be more concerned about not missing the puja in-spite of all odds, and maintaining their spiritual integrity.
Media houses like Sun TV, however, are spreading false news. They are projecting as if this is an issue of illegal land occupancy. Yes, it is, but not by Nithyananda Sangha, but by these pimps, goons, alcohol addicts, anti-social anti-Hindu elements.
Many concerned people in the sangha have voiced concern regarding the safety of the sannyasis, especially the female sannyasis after the above video was published by the media.
During the conversation with Ma Satyajnana Swami, it seemed as if, it was not that female sannyasis needed protection, in fact, they were protecting the male monastic members of the sangha.
The situation is such that, the crowd of 50-60 people who had surrounded the place, if they see any male member of the Nithyananda Sangha in that area, even attempting to offer puja, they would beat and brutally assault that person just like they did to Sri Nithya Parabrahmananda Maharaj.
Our female sannyasis carry, such a space of a cosmic mother, that when they pray, their sacred prayers carry the energy to bless even these abusive, violent, rowdies, and they stop taking alcohol and causing nuisance after being misguided by anti-Hindu elements becoming one of them.
So it is no surprise that our female sannyasis are still able to do their daily pujas, in-spite of such a crowd hooting, shouting, throwing stones, standing there as vultures.
The police had avoided providing protection to these, citing lack of constables. They, however, have committed to provide a few by Monday.
When Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami was asked, how she feels about it, she said, “Since so many years we are doing puja. Past one year daily we have been doing puja. So far no problem happened. I don’t want to miss puja so I will come tomorrow again, even if the Police is not there.” When praised for her bravery, she laughed.
Innocent, simple, bold, fearless sannyasis like Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami, might laugh. But this is not a joke. Now, these people might be holding back and not attacking the female sannyasis, but this cannot be guaranteed. This incidence is not in isolation. More severe attacks were made to our sannyasis in our Chennai branch and we have a long history of many such attacks which has happened on Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and Hindu sampradaya.
There is a tradition in Hinduism, that sannyasis don’t pick Shastra (शस्त्र weapons) during certain time periods of the year and study the Shaastras (शास्त्र scriptures). Foreign invaders would specifically attack during these times and destroy generations old monastic legacy. Still our sickular, pigral, pseudo-intellectual paid media curses and vomits over our sannyasis and projects them in a bad light even for this incidence.
Sannyasis like Ma Nithya Satyajnanananda Swami don’t worry about the media, they may be more concerned about not missing the puja in-spite of all odds, and maintaining their spiritual integrity.
Media houses like Sun TV, however, are spreading false news. They are projecting as if this is an issue of illegal land occupancy. Yes, it is, but not by Nithyananda Sangha, but by these pimps, goons, alcohol addicts, anti-social anti-Hindu elements.
The media has shown a footage of some of these goons and authorities breaking our huts as if this was an illegal occupancy issue. The district collector has made a decision and broken our shed. Upon appropriate administrative and legal follow up the matter has been clarified that it was illegal for the police to break the hut, especially as Nithyananda Sangha has ownership of the land since past 25 years. The collector also lost his job in Tiruvannamalai and was transferred. The police are shamelessly shown dragging the woman sannyasis, and disturbing the deities.
This is an unimaginable level of intervention that even in the sacred land of Arunachala, such an unholy nexus of media and anti-national forces can cause trouble for even basic spiritual activities like puja and worship.
Media houses such as Sun TV are not to be believed upon.Sun TV has also been tried in the courts for its involvement in the 2G scam. These guys are crooks, liars and cannot be trusted. 2G scam resulted in a loss of Rs. 1.76 trillion (US$26 Billion) to the Indian public exchequer. In this regard, the Enforcement Directorate had attached property worth Rs 700 crore of Sun TV. Sun TV is run by DMK.
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam stands on its spiritual integrity, due to which over 120 cases (done on us or by us) we have been victorious in 119 of them. Our land ownership documents and paperwork everything is clear. Our sannyasis will boldly and fearlessly continue doing their puja, irrespective of the fact the police shows there or not.
It is on this very sacred land of Vedic India, have walked countless powerful ochre-robed beings who carried pure hearts of compassion and gigantic wills to selflessly enrich humanity. They are the Sanyasis who called the world their home and walked door to door awakening people to the truth while healing and blessing them. The whole of India has been built by Sanyasis. Whether it is architecture, art, science, culture or language, Sanyasis have contributed the best things to Vedic tradition.
On such strong pillars is our Sanatana Hindu tradition standing.