When Swami Nithyananda asked for the interrogation tapes after the blatant violation of the law of leaking the tapes, the CID put it blatantly as the tapes were “stolen” – stolen from the highest security place in the State?!
CID was afraid doing a medical test on Swami Nithyananda would reveal his yogic body which in biological terms is called ‘impotence’.
On that fateful day, it was like a scene straight from an action movie.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda was to be at the hospital for the medical test in the wee hours of the morning. As he was leaving, on the way, some media elements, suspected to be Samaya TV, intercepted the car they thought he was travelling in. Although His Divine Holiness had proceeded safely in another vehicle, the attackers continued to chase and attack the car where they ‘thought’ he was present. The entire life-attack on Paramahamsa Nithyananda was executed on the Sanyas disciples who were in the other car.The disciples (Sri Nithya Yogananda and others) barely managed to escape from this attempt on their life.
The media even had the cheap audacity to publish this as if it was their birthright to waylay Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the report below shows..
These media sections reached as expected to the hospital and waited outside the hospital for hours – like paparazzi.
In the medical test, it was another shocking travesty of justice.
There were live panel discussions going on during the test with a cheap discussion on the whole issue of male potency.
To forcibly falsely somehow prove that His Divine Holiness is potent, the police coerced the doctors. They tried everything –
During 2010:
During 2014, before tests:
The letter to Victoria Hospital about the atrocities during the test.
After the test as His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda came out, the van from the same Samaya TV chased the ambulance carrying Him and the accompanying cars driving along with the ambulance to the place where Paramahamsa Nithyananda needed to go for the police requested voice test. The video evidence enclosed clearly shows how the reporter of Samaya TV forced his camera into the ambulance window putting the life of Paramahamsa Nithyananda in danger when he was already in pain and how they were all along shouting threats.
After the Court ordered tests, when the police also could not give complete protection all the way back to the ashram (as their jurisdiction ended in the city), it was a nightmare and high risk, very dangerous ride in the ambulance back to Bidadi. With Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s fragile health, more tension was compounded with the insensitive, hooligan Samaya TV reporters who chased the ambulance all the way back to the ashram. The ambulance had to rush at dangerous speed to keep Samaya TV at arm’s length from the ambulance, to the extent one could smell the burning rubber of the tyres of the ambulance. All along the way they drove in the most hazardous way putting into direct danger the lives of the people in the ambulance including Paramahamsa Nithyananda. They were trying to block the ambulance in order to stop it and board the vehicle and attack us. Their cameramen were hanging outside their vans and trying to shoot inside the ambulance without any regard for the safety of the vehicle or other passengers on the road.
Samaya TV reporters seething with anger that they were not able to get to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, were furious when the ambulance entered the ashram and the gates were immediately locked behind the ambulance. Once the ambulance got to the Ashram and escaped from their attack they focused their anger and violence on the following cars which were right behind the ambulance and couldn’t enter to protect the life of Paramahamsa Nithyananda who was in the ambulance and who was being hounded by the reporters especially of Samaya TV who were also openly shouting foul language.
The fact that Samaya TV channel has been targeting Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the devotees right from the beginning of the day shows a premeditated plan and the violence and damage they caused to the vehicle shows their intention to kill.
But after the Court ordered for the medical test, the results of the medical test vindicated the statement of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and put the CID to shame.
The report shows Paramahamsa Nithyananda
1. Is impotent![]() |
2. Has male hormone levels of a child![]() |
3. Has calcification of the scrotal sacs 4. Has significant varicocele ![]() |
5. Has insignificant penile blood flow![]() |
6. His whole male reproductive system itself has been unused for decades.
In this report the medical examiner explained how the reproductive organs of Paramahamsa Nithyananda hadn’t been used for decades and he was incapable of any sexual activity, not “just over-night, but likely so for numerous years”.
7. Has no sexual drive or capability in medical terms because:
a. Testosterone hormone levels at 12.5 ng/dl are extremely low – anorchid or below castration levels which would result in no sexual desire or libido. The levels are consistent with those of a prepubescent boy.
b. Has high degree of hypogonadism that would affect not only erectile and sexual function but also libido, making it impossible to have either the psychological arousal or a physical erection necessary to participate in any sexual act.
c. Psychological examination results show unresponsive to sexual urge, had no sexual activity during his lifetime, no history of masturbation, no wet dreams or erections. This was an intact judgment and there was no evidence of psychopathology and hence points to psychological cause of Erectile Dysfunction.
Read the full affidavit by DrRobert here
Read the full affidavit by DrMark here
Read the full affidavit of DrManmohan Kumar
Read the full affidavit by DrUmakant
Read the full affidavit by DrRavindran
Read the full affidavit by DrGerald Brock