As an ongoing series of Religious persecution which started in 2010, Nithyananda Gurukul was targeted. Women and Child Rights Committee came to inspect Gurukul and were satisfied with the facilities provided to children and women here. However what got reported was misreprestation of what they saw here. Many questions are left unanswered…
Below is the letter by CWC of their visit…
Good Comments Written in Visitor Book By CWC Govt Officials
Below is the testimonial by a Gurukul Parent of the Visit to Women and Child Development Office
Nithyanandam, this is Rishi Advait. One of the key aspects of running any education institutions is maintain the records. At the Nithyananda Gurukul here we maintain the records of the children as well. During the religious persecution that happened, that continues to happen, since 2010, and the time lines especially during the 2012, 2013, and 2014 was a very difficult time for the Nithyananda Gurukul. During that time there was a lot of questions that were raised against the running of the Gurukul At that time we were forced, all the parents and children were asked to come physically to the district headquarters to the Department of Women and Children. They actually physically verified the records I don’t think that ever happened in this country and what we have seen and gotten use the fact that a lot of these happened during the religious persecution here against Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda.and his organization. This was the first time where all the parents and children were asked to come physically to come with our ID cards and show our identity cards We did that, we complied with everything that the state wanted so we can make sure they feel comfortable that nothing is wrong here. Everything is legal and perfectly fine, all the children are happy here. The kinds of questions and the way the children were mentally intimated it is a really sorry state of affairs and parent of two children, I completely condone, I don’t accept and condemn such an act that was done against the children and these things do not happen against the children in the future.