Survana TV used a sanyasi and his family as puppets to add to the Atrocity Material created by the Media in the persecution on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. They completely violated the personal life of this sanyasi, interfering in his personal relationship with his parents, brainwashing them into believing their lies, and causing severe damage to the ties that he has to his parents.
“Suvarna TV poisoned the minds of my family and turned my own parents against me.” Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, a monastic disciple of His Divine Holiness shares his heart-rending story, the misery caused to him by Kannada news Channel Suvarna TV
“I am Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami of Nithyananda order. From the year 2009, I am living under the guidance of My Master, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. I am from a Brahmin family belonging to Smartha community in Karnataka. I am a graduate and have worked abroad for 6 years.
What I went through during the attack, and what I am going through till date, I shall try and express in this article.
March 2010 the Morphed video was released :
This was done to destroy Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His mission. I continued to live in aadheenam (monastery). I was shaken to my core and continued my path under my master’s guidance. My parents were happy to see me stay supportive to my master (video clips are available). That is how I was brought up by my family. The attack continues in physical and emotional level via media, assassins, etc. to date.
June 7, 2012 media attack :
Suvarna TV anchor Mr.Ajith tried to serve a summons in a peaceful press meet called by us at our Bidadi ashram. It is an illegal act to serve a summons by a media person. I could not understand what was happening. We avoided him going near Swamiji because we do not know what was hidden in that fat envelope. He created a ruckus, brought some assassins and beat up innocent monks. I was shocked and did not know what to do. In the ashram (monastery), we lived a peaceful life meditating, serving people, healing people, taking care of the temple, etc. It was a cultural shock. I had never experienced this in my life before and had never even thought about media like this. I thought media meant a sincere people working for the welfare of society. I expected them to be polished, educated, well mannered.”
-Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami
Click here to read more…
June 4, 2012
July 4, 2012: Santosh alias Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, a monastic member of the Nithyananda Sanyas Order, was under the spotlight in 2012. Due to a disagreement between his parents and him over his choice of living a monastic life, there were many media outlets that took advantage of this and extensively interviewed his parents. A sensationalized topic was created with loud false headlines such as “Nithyananda’s Sanyasi Held Captive”.
One India, having millions of online readers, neglects the basic journalism ethics and follows the same atrocity generation track, makes false statements that the monk disciple was detained in the Aadheenam (temple monastery). While Santhosh is an adult, well into his 30’s, who made his own decision to live in the Aadheenam as an initiated Hindu monk. A transparent attempt to demonize His Divine Holiness! They even make a completely unsubstantiated and irrelevant accusation, stating that drugs were being mixed into the “holy water”.
Irresponsible and unjust yellow journalism unchecked in India has been playing with immense power and crowd manipulating billions of perceptions. Due to hectic lifestyles and low attention spans, people are vulnerable to lap up whatever is slammed on them by the media.
July 5, 2012 – The copy of the court order is attached – Still awaiting justice
June 10, 2012
“Suvarna TV brings my innocent father to their studio, poisons his innocent inner space, since he was un-educated . They forced him to put Habeas Corpus case on my Guru saying, ‘ I am kept in ashram by force, against my will’. Suvarna TV is only responsible for his pain, they destroyed our life for their personal gain. They destroyed happy relationship between my father and me. They destroyed his faith on Gurus, religion, Gods and spiritual path. I lost my father, my loving mother and relatives. How much I loved them for 35 years of my life.
I do not know when I will get them back how they were. It cannot be repaired. Day and night I am praying for their happiness. I want them back healthy and happy. They made my strong mother cry in media and made her not to talk to me. They destroyed my loving relations with my sister also. They changed my relative’s mind, they built a big wall between us.
In 10 years of attack only once I went home, that is for my grandmother’s funeral. Even during funeral, my parents did not talk to me.
This was not how I grew up. My parents took care of me so much, I was the most pampered in my whole family. I know now my parents will suffer physically and emotionally with the torture they are being put through. Suvarna TV is responsible for all this. I know my parents are in deep pain, lost their health, wealth and everything.
Why did they have to make my parents cry in their tv channel for so many days? and repeatedly show the same thing again and again. This shocked me, I went into depression. They used my family as an emotional puppet for their personal gains. I was shattered to see my father crying on TV. He was like a tiger all his life till this Suvarna TV came into our life.
It was such a sickening experience to go through for both me and my parents. I had to take the help of a psychiatrist to settle down.
Suvarna TV had abused me, tortured me and destroyed 10 years of my life. Even now it still haunts me in the back of my head. Because of constant compassion and care of my Guru, I am surviving and trying to stand up. Still waiting to get justice for my life, my family and my Master.
I do not know if it will happen in this lifetime.”
~ Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami
1 Feb 2014
A Sanyasi of the Nithyananda Sampradaya, Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, was made to face huge media uproar in 2014 for the conflict the media created between him and his parents.
Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami alias Santosh, faced a backlash from the media as they spread lies that he was being detained at His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda aadheenam. Facing parents who were already uncomfortable with his living in the aadheenam, being unable to fathom why their son would take up the life of a sanyasi, the media only exploited this vulnerability further. They effectively brainwashed his parents into believing that there was a great wrong being done to their son, and that Paramahamsa Nithyananda was holding him captive. His parents went on to give several interviews on news channels, expressing their grief and concern over their son being at the aadheenam, and finally, even filed a petition, urging authorities to help free their son from the aadheenam. However, Shantimaya Swami made it abundantly clear in his statement that he was a grown adult who chose to live as a sanyasi in the aadheenam, and the petition was disposed of as a result.
Violating the personal life of an individual in this manner, by interfering in his personal relationship with his parents, brainwashing them into believing their lies, and causing severe damage to the ties that he has to his parents – this is the real atrocity committed against Shantimaya Swami. The personal consequences of such an attack, even at an individual level, have to be borne by a blameless sanyasi whose only crime was to desire a life of service and spirituality. His parents could have been made to understand that it was simply a life choice that he made, and not blown out of proportion as the media did.
Interview with Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami (Santosh) and his father.
Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami helping to receive visitors and guests, Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam.
A sanyasi of the Nithyananda Sampradaya, Sri Nithya Shantimayananda Swami, was a regular speaker on Nakshatra TV, where he took calls from the public, answering their questions about spirituality, solving their life problems, giving them daily solutions. On 11th August 2015, he received a phone call from someone claiming to be from TV9, another Kannada news channel. This individual began questioning Shantimaya Swami on whether he does regular TV shows. He then warned the sanyasi not to do so, and that if he continued to do so, then it would have bad consequences.
Threateningly, this person said in a menacing and aggressive tone, that he would come to the ashram and “take care of him” if he continued to talk on TV shows. This kind of death threat prompted Shantimaya Swami to immediately file a complaint at the local police station. Unfortunately, the police did not file an FIR based on that complaint, and the blackmailer got away with making threats to a sanyasi.
The current conditions of the Indian media have become such that there is no reporting, researching, investigating. There is no responsibility, no refinement, no intellectuality. Today’s media houses simply employ goons, and the 4th pillar of society no longer enables a democracy to function as it should. It is simply another establishment to harbor local mafia to meet their own agendas.
Listen to their conversation here:
Shantimaya Swami – Hello, yes tell me
caller- is this Nithyananda ashrama?
Shantimaya Swami – Yes it is.
Caller- Who are you speaking?
Shantimaya Swami – this is Shantimaya Swami
caller – what is your caste?
Shantimaya Swami – here we don’t have any caste?
Caller – we have iyengars, brahmins. So what is your caste?
Shantimaya Swami – we have sanyasis
caller – do you eat non- veg? You have done it to ranjitha?
shall I come to Bidadi? Who do you think I am! You gandu (curse word)
Shantimaya Swami – hey who are you and what do you want?
Caller- I am tv9 you gandu! (curse word) I am coming to Bidadi now
publish it to this channel – nakshatra tv9 is coming now.