Research on Brain Wave Activity (aka energy activation) during Kundalini Awakening Initiation by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
15 July 2011, Bengaluru Aadheenam
Awakening by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
A team of qualified doctors, practitioners and professionals in medical research and in the area of neuro feedback and QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) conducted Scientific studies on the Kundalini Awakening initiation process of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda at Nithyananda Peetam, Bengaluru Aadheenam. The Kundalini energy is our inherent peak potential energy lying dormant inside us which when awakened through powerful spiritual initiation processes as described in our ancient Vedic methods, causes us to move towards higher and higher Consciousness. The study was conducted by research doctor and leading scientist Dr. Krishna Rao and Kanak Pandey, a neuro feedback specialist and practicing psychologist for the last 27 years. Kanak Pandey has been practicing exclusively in neuro feedback and QEEG for 10 years.
Background of Technique
The Scientific methods used to quantify the above study were employed first by NASA while training fighter pilots and is now used worldwide to read brain wave signals and to interpret and help treat various brain/mental disorders as well.
Equipment Used for this research
The QEEG equipment is a sophisticated equipment approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and conforms to the CE Standards, is being used to record the brain waves. All data is being recorded on the Nexus 32 QEEG machine which is approved for the study. This equipment was operated by a team of trained technicians under the supervision of Dr. Kanak Pandey following all study standards.
In the Presence of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Kundalini Awakening Initiation was studied and recorded. While those who were experiencing the Kundalini Awakening in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s presence needed no proof as they were experiencing it in their own body, mind and consciousness, this study scientifically demonstrated the Awakening of the Kundalini Energy upon initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, thus bridging Science and Spirituality.
Live Experiments on July 15th
While the experiments were being done to the satisfaction of the researchers on July 13th, 14th, and 15th, the experiment were conducted live in front of media houses as both Dr. Krishna Rao and Dr. Kanak Pandey explained about their findings as well as read the readings of the live experiment on the 15th of July. The researchers also made themselves available to answer questions from the media before and after the experiment. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Himself threw open the forum to all questions related to the process from any persons from the media.
The actual observations were astounding and prominent. Dr. Kanak Pandey stated that in all her years of practising, she had never seen brain wave activity like in these experiments of Kundalini Awakening in the Presence of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Although the researchers were available at any time for clarification, the media misrepresented the entire study and experiments.
Due to the importance of this research which was done by FDA standards, it was requested by the doctors that a regulatory body should look into this matter and rectify the reporting of this data. It was not understood by media how important this research is to mankind and the potential to help not only in CONSCIOUS growth for one’s own enlightenment, but also cure many brain/mental disorders in people suffering from these. The media literally robbed the people of the wonderful opportunity to be exposed to such a powerful ancient Vedic initiation process for their own selves.
It is also worth noting that other research projects in relation to energy activation, meditation and yoga at Nithyananda Peetam have been approved by the Ohio State Medical School in the United States, and that serious research is in progress using well established scientific protocols.
The results as well as the certificates of the researchers are produced below
Dr. Krishna Rao’s Statement on the study of the Kundalini Awakening process by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Here is the Statement of Dr. Kanak Pandey on the Scientific study on the Kundalini Awakening Process by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Baseline Results (of brain activity) of an Ashramite (resident at Nithyanandam Dhyanapeetam) who participated in the Kundalini Awakening initiation process:
Base line reading
Results of an Ashramite during Kundalini Activation when the subject (ashramite) expressed levitation
Here are the results of an Inner Awakening program participant who participated in the initiation process:
Baseline result of the Inner Awakening Participant
Results of an Inner Awakening participant during Kundalini Activation when the subject expressed levitation
This is the first of many researches done on the phenomenon of Kundalini awakning, and manifesting the superpowers of Sadashiva.