23 April 2010
What media falsely reported:
Existence of Non-disclosure agreement about Tantric practices between Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His devotees
What was the fact:
The shocking claims that The Times of India makes in this article about this non-disclosure agreement are completely unfounded, as the agreement does not even exist. They conveniently show a cropped shot of the agreement which does not even feature anyone’s signature to shock the public with grotesque, fictitious details. However, nowhere on the so called “agreement” is His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s signature found, effectively invalidating the whole contract and their argument.
Despite the obvious fallaciousness of this contract, TOI intentionally poss obscene details from it to clout the opinion of their millions of daily readers. By continuously bombarding them with propaganda against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, they are influencing them to not only have a prejudice against Him but prompting a cognitive bias against all Hindu Gurus. In Hinduism, Guru-disciple relationship is the most sacred, as it is the primary mechanism to transfer great spiritual truths and traditions. By condemning this relationship, they are effectively promoting religious discrimination leading to cultural genocide of this tradition.